In a world of magic Blessings gifted by gods, the Porters were viewed as both the weakest and the strongest, for their god Hermes gave no Blessings. Until one day, when a Porter gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of his cargo— and received the ultimate compensation.
Porter Lugot lost a precious cargo on his first Commission for his Order of Porters, and with it he lost his life, until he was dragged back to the living by the will of a being he could not defy. Without his fellow Porters, he is lost and alone, seeking not but death. But even death is denied him.
But in the midst of despair he is given a ray of hope— a clue to find his lost cargo, and regain the respect of the Order of Porters. Now, Lugot must face a challenge he never expected to face!
This is the first in an epic fantasy series, Delayed in Transit. Grappling with themes of life and death, belonging and exclusion, failure and redemption, this series finds a contemplative hero who has failed those he trusts. Can he redeem himself? Does he even want to try? Find out today!