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Dom Anselme Le Bail

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-04-15
  • Publisher: Cistercian Pubns
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Those who knew him, above all monks, will find Dom Anselme Le Bail again in these pages with warm gratitude. Those who have not known him will encounter his vital and original character. Both of these will be surprised and come to admire a man and a monk who has integrated a healthy humanism into a concrete ideal of his religious vocation.

Author Biography

Fr. Dieudonn Dufrasne, a Benedictine monk of Saint Andre de Clerlande, has read, listened to, and allowed the young man, Anselme Le Bail, the monk, and finally the Cistercian Abbot of Scourmont, to speak for himself in these pages. He has the ability to allow us, in turn, to hear and understand the joys and difficulties of a life totally dedicated to God and to his brothers.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. vii
Forewordp. xiii
Paths of Approach
Remembrance of a fleeting momentp. 1
Who can guess his brother's horizon?p. 4
When intelligence and piety embracep. 6
The combat of the young Jacobp. 10
Leave your country and your father's housep. 14
Here finally lies the old manp. 17
A calm and rapid Spiritan novitiatep. 23
A soldier of Christ in an army on earthp. 28
Missionary, seminarian, savior of soulsp. 31
A sudden shadow on tranquil happinessp. 37
La Trappe: A first-class burialp. 39
To love one's family is a virtuep. 41
Good books rather than bad pearsp. 45
When the will of God pursues youp. 49
Who is the man who wishes to see happy days?p. 61
Confidence: I will show you that I am a fatherp. 63
A combat outside the cloister: The War of 1914-1918p. 71
Brother, is it possible to visit the Abbey?p. 78
Good-by war! Hello, Congo!p. 80
When two abbots become close friendsp. 98
Tireless hands and headp. 113
Go out, all right, but without miter and crozierp. 122
Rewarded audacity: Collectaneap. 126
Scourmont to the rescue of Soleilmontp. 133
Caldey: A daughter worthy of her mother?p. 147
From Fourbechies to Chimay: Notre Dame de la Paixp. 159
The dismal crossroad of the Second Warp. 168
The monastic adventure in warm termsp. 181
When will there be time to sit down?p. 196
Let the enigma cease and day break!p. 198
Epiloguep. 199
Bibliographyp. 204
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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