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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2004-07-01
  • Publisher: Games Workshop
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List Price: $19.99


In the blood soaked Sabbat Worlds crusade, Warmaster Macaroth's Imperial Crusade force is attempting to halt a massive counter attack led by the Chaos legions of the dread-lord Anakwanar Sek. Over several hard-fought weeks, the war-torn world of Enothis hangs in the balance. Sek's hosts, supported by vast squadrons of the Blood Pact's air cadre, have driven the Imperial ground forces into near rout across the vast desert continent. Only the strung-out, day and night efforts of the outnumbered Phantine Fighter Corp, flying out of airstrips on vital offshore islands, can hope to keep the enemy host at bay long enough for the Imperial ground forces to regroup for a last battle. As the desperate fight for air supremacy begins, the fate of the entire crusade hangs in the balance...

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