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Drawing Scenery: Seascapes and Landscapes : Seascapes and Landscapes

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Revised
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1988-09-22
  • Publisher: Perigee

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The how-to handbook that exactly explains and illustrates the step-by-step processes for drawing complete, succesful landscapes and seascapes and teaches the fundamentals of good composition as well as the separate picture elements. This guide combines the simplest kind of scenery sketching with the most complex renderings to give every artist, beginner or professional, essential scenery drawing techniques.

More than 900 diagrams, pictorial explanations, and pictures

Author Biography

Jack Hamm is one of the best-selling authors of art instruction books. With nearly a million copies sold, his books have helped aspiring artists of every age and level of ability learn to draw and improve their technique.

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Basics of Scenery Drawing
Choosing a "Bounded Space" for a Scenep. 1
The Horizontal Rectanglep. 1
"Commanding" the Observer's Attentionp. 2
The Focal Pointp. 2
The Focal Areap. 2
The Relation of Boundaries to the Interiorp. 3
The Ways of Dividing Spacep. 4
The Principles of Good Space Divisionp. 5
Creating a Travel Experience for the Eyep. 6
Charting the Eye's Coursep. 7
Principles that Help in Scenery Drawing and Paintingp. 8
Relating Three Shapes-One to the Otherp. 9
The Principle of "The Threes"p. 10
Telling the Picture Storyp. 11
The Entering Point in a Picturep. 11
"Follow-through" in a Picturep. 12
Basic Follow-throughsp. 12
Follow-through and Depth Perceptionp. 13
Interior Parenthesisp. 13
Overcoming the Blank Page (More on Good Space Division)p. 14
Comprehension Factors in a Picturep. 16
Co-active Follow-throughp. 17
Experiment in Comprehensionp. 18
Emotional Responsep. 18
Pencils and Papersp. 20
The Importance of Formp. 22
Base Lines of a Picturep. 24
Ground Value Variancesp. 25
Uneven Earthen Contoursp. 26
Principle of the "Take-up" Linep. 27
Cross-sectioningp. 28
"Creating" Distancep. 30
Depth and Distancep. 32
Contrasting Valuesp. 34
Expectations from Different Valuesp. 36
Putting Subject Matter out of Mindp. 38
Leaning Toward the Abstractp. 40
The Willingness to Explorep. 41
Drawing Trees and Foliage
Tree Trunksp. 42
Tree-a Bold Beginningp. 43
Tree Pointersp. 43
"Painting" with a Pencilp. 44
Tree Talk with Illustrationsp. 46
Base Linesp. 48
Struggling Treesp. 50
Twenty Drawings of the Same Treep. 52
Trees and Their Appearancep. 54
Drawing Rocks and Mountains
Edges and Surfaces in Rock Drawingp. 56
Drawing Larger Sections of Rockp. 57
Field Trips for Rock Sketchingp. 58
Drawing Rocks Within a Given Spacep. 59
Variations Inside the Same Outlinep. 60
Rock Drawing in Other Mediap. 61
Simple "Flat Lead" Sketchesp. 62
Creating Rocky Landscapes in Miniaturep. 63
Elementary Rock Compositionsp. 64
Interesting Patterns in Rockp. 65
Rock-the Unchangeable Model in Artp. 66
The Stone Colossusp. 67
Drawing Mountain Ranges-an A-B-C Methodp. 68
Construction Experiment with Mountain Peaksp. 70
A Mountain Abstractionp. 71
Drawing Clouds and Skies
Simplifying Cloud Drawingp. 72
Cloud Treatmentsp. 74
Cloud Formationsp. 76
Sunsets and Sunrisesp. 78
Morning and Evening Skiesp. 80
Diagram of Cloud Typesp. 81
Dramatic Cloud Backgroundsp. 82
Semi-abstract Skiesp. 83
More Cloud Effectsp. 84
Giving Clouds Dimensionp. 85
Moonlight Scenesp. 86
Strong Windsp. 88
Wind and Snowp. 88
The Upsweep Windp. 89
Wind and Sandp. 89
Drawing Water: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Falls
Reflections in Waterp. 90
Reflections Under Various Conditionsp. 91
Drawing Water Surfacesp. 92
Puddles and Reflectionsp. 93
Nighttime Reflectionsp. 93
Lighthouses and Waterp. 94
Lake and Ocean Reflectionsp. 95
Water Talkp. 96
Charting the Course of a Wavep. 98
Analyzing Wavesp. 99
Great Waves of the Seap. 100
Where There's Waterp. 102
Angry and Peaceful Watersp. 104
Drawing Waterfallsp. 105
More on Waterfallsp. 106
Niagara Falls and Stairstep Fallsp. 107
Drawing Snow and Icep. 108
Drawing Buildings, Large and Small
Houses in Scenery Drawingp. 110
A House Is Built in a Minutep. 111
Planes, Values and Formsp. 112
A Few Suggested Techniquesp. 113
Putting Buildings Togetherp. 114
Drawing Towns and Villagesp. 115
Loose Sketching and Tonal Drawingp. 116
Crowded Shacks in a Slump. 117
Different Approaches to Structural Drawingp. 118
Recording Planes and Valuesp. 119
Indexp. 120
Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.

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