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Dream Visions/Oth Poems Nce Pa

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-12-13
  • Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

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The texts are extensively glossed and are accompanied by individual introductions and explanatory annotations. A lightly regularized system of spellings has been adopted. No prior knowledge of Chaucer is assumed. #xE2;#x80;#x9C;Contexts#xE2;#x80;#x9D; connects the poems to their classical and medieval foundations and includes works by Virgil, Ovid, Cicero, Boethius, Dante, and Boccaccio, among others. From the wealth of scholarly work available, the editor has chosen for #xE2;#x80;#x9C;Criticism#xE2;#x80;#x9D; six essays that address the poems#xE2;#x80;#x99; central themes. Contributors include Charles Muscatine, A. C. Spearing, R. T. Lenaghan, Richard Firth Green, Elaine Tuttle Hansen, and Steven Kruger. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.

Table of Contents

A quick course in Chaucer's language
The book of the Duchessp. 3
The house of fame : book 1p. 43
The house of fame : book 2p. 55
The house of fame : book 3p. 69
The parliament of fowlsp. 93
The legend of good womenp. 117
The prologue to the legend of good womenp. 122
Cleopatrap. 137
Thisbep. 141
Didop. 146
Hypsipyle and Medeap. 156
Lucrecep. 164
Ariadnep. 169
Philomelap. 177
Phyllisp. 181
Hypermnestrap. 185
Anelida and Arcitep. 191
An ABCp. 211
Chaucer's words to Adam, his own scribep. 216
Merciless beautyp. 217
To Rosemoundep. 218
Truthp. 219
Gentilessep. 220
Lack of steadfastnessp. 221
Envoy to Scoganp. 222
Envoy to Buktonp. 224
The complaint of Chaucer to his pursep. 225
From Chaucer in cyberspace : medieval technologies of memory and the House of Famep. 229
From the Aeneidp. 231
From the Heroidesp. 245
From the Metamorphosesp. 251
From Scipio's Dreamp. 258
From the commentary on Scipio's dreamp. 265
From the consolation of philosophyp. 268
From the complaint of naturep. 273
From the romance of the rosep. 275
From the divine comedyp. 282
From the fountain of lovep. 284
From the book of Theseus (Il Teseide)p. 299
Prom Chaucer's early poemsp. 307
[The parliament of fowls as dream-poetry]p. 325
From Chaucer's circle of gentlemen and clerksp. 335
Chaucer's victimized womenp. 338
The feminization of men in Chaucer's Legend of good womenp. 352
From medical and moral authority in the late medieval dreamp. 366
Geoffrey Chaucer : a chronologyp. 385
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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