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Electronics All-in-One For Dummies

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-02-01
  • Publisher: For Dummies
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List Price: $34.99


Electronics All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies is 900 pages and 8 books covering: Book 1: The Basics of Electronics Book 2: Getting your hands dirty Book 3: Designing your Projects Book 4: Digital and Analog Book 5: Electrical Environments Part 6: Troubleshooting Part 7: Communications Part 8 : The Fun Stuff

Author Biography

Doug Lowe still has the electronics experimenter's kit his dad gave him when he was 10. Although he became a programmer and has written books on various programming languages, Microsoft Office, web programming, and PCs (including 30+ For Dummies books), Doug never forgot his first love: electronics.

Table of Contents

Introductionp. 1
Getting Started in Electronicsp. 9
Welcome to Electronicsp. 11
Understanding Electricityp. 23
Creating Your Mad-Scientist Labp. 39
Staying Safep. 61
Reading Schematic Diagramsp. 71
Building Projectsp. 85
The Secrets of Successful Solderingp. 123
Measuring Circuits with a Multimeterp. 135
Catching Waves with an Oscilloscopep. 149
Working with Basic Electronic Componentsp. 161
Working with Basic Circuitsp. 163
Working with Resistorsp. 205
Working with Capacitorsp. 233
Working with Inductorsp. 257
Working with Diodes and LEDsp. 269
Working with Transistorsp. 295
Working with Integrated Circuitsp. 323
Introducing Integrated Circuitsp. 325
The Fabulous 555 Timer Chipp. 337
Working with Op-Ampsp. 375
Getting into Alternating Currentp. 395
Understanding Alternating Currentp. 397
Working with Line Voltagep. 409
Building Power Suppliesp. 423
Working with Radio and Infraredp. 435
Understanding Radiop. 437
Building a Crystal Radiop. 451
Working with Infraredp. 463
Doing Digital Electronicsp. 481
Understanding Digital Electronicsp. 483
Getting Logicalp. 499
Working with Logic Circuitsp. 519
Interfacing to Your Computer's Parallel Portp. 549
Working with Flip-Flopsp. 583
Working with BASIC Stamp Processorsp. 607
Introducing Microcontrollers and the BASIC Stampp. 609
Programming in PBASICp. 631
More PBASIC Programming Tricksp. 655
Adding Sound and Motion to Your BASIC Stamp Projectsp. 675
Special Effectsp. 693
Building a Quiz-O-Matic!p. 695
Building a Color Organp. 735
Animating Holiday Lightsp. 747
Building an Animatronic Prop Controllerp. 771
Indexp. 801
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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