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Emotional Longevity : What Really Determines How Long You Live

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-02-01
  • Publisher: Penguin Group USA

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Based on a web of scientifically proven connections between biology on the one hand and social environment, beliefs, and emotions on the other, leading scientist Dr. Norman Anderson presents a fascinating new definition of health. Our ability to find meaning in adversity, our expectations about what the future will bring, and even our willingness to disclose our traumatic experiences all impact not only our emotional well-being but also our biology, influencing our vulnerability to everything from the common cold to heart disease. Through the stories of many prominent figures, including Maya Angelou, Reynolds Price, and Linda Ellerbee, Anderson underscores the reality of these scientific findings, providing an essential guide to living better and longer.

Author Biography

Norman B. Anderson, Ph.D., is CEO of the American Psychological Association, the largest scientific and professional association of psychologists in the world. Most recently a professor at Harvard University-'s School of Public Health, he has also served as the first associate director of the National Institutes of Health for behavioral and social sciences research. P. Elizabeth Anderson is an award-winning health journalist. The authors have been married for eighteen years.

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgmentsp. vii
Introduction: Emotional Longevity: Toward a New Definition of Healthp. 1
Thoughts and Actions 1: Expectations, Explanations, and Beliefsp. 15
Expectations and Explanationsp. 21
Is Optimism Always Good? Is Pessimism Always Bad?p. 36
The Power of Beliefs and Illusionsp. 43
Thoughts and Actions 2: Concealing and Revealing Traumap. 61
Silence, Secrets, and Lies: The High Price of Concealment and Avoidancep. 69
Emotional Disclosure: The Remarkable Benefits of Opening Upp. 81
Environment and Relationships: Social Immunityp. 101
Healing Bondsp. 107
Mixed Blessings: The Complexity of Social Relationshipsp. 136
Personal Achievement and Equality: Learning, Earning, and Survivingp. 147
Beyond Obelisks: The Mystery of the Gradientp. 153
Beyond Individual Achievement: Inequality and Racep. 177
Faith and Meaning: Existential, Religious, and Spiritual Dimensions of Healthp. 187
From Trauma to Meaningp. 193
The Health Benefits of Finding Meaningp. 204
Faith, Meaning, and Longevityp. 211
Connections-to Emotions, to the Futurep. 235
Emotional Connectionsp. 241
Emotions as "Connective Tissue"p. 260
Connecting to the Futurep. 268
Notesp. 273
Bibliographyp. 289
Indexp. 319
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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