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En el Camino México, la ruta de los migrantes que no importan

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-05-01
  • Publisher: Blume

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Every year, more than 500,000 Central American migrants undertake a journey of more than 3,000 miles through Mexico in the hope of finding a better life in the United States. This astonishing photo documentary chronicles the myriad dangers inherent in the trip: murder, rape, abuse at the hands of narco-traffickers, and more. The vivid, haunting photographs portray the indignities and injustices suffered by hundreds of thousands as they chase the American dream. Cada ano, mas de 500.000 migrantes centroamericanos emprenden un viaje de 5.000 kilometros a traves de Mexico en la esperanza de conseguir una mejor vida en los Estados Unidos. Este ensayo fotografico relata la multitud de riesgos inherentes al viaje: asesinatos, violaciones, abuso en las manos de narcotraficantes y mas. Las fotografias vividas e inquietantes describen las humillaciones e injusticias que sufren cientos de miles en la busqueda del sueno americano.

Author Biography

Edu Ponces is a photojournalist concentrating on the issues of social violence and migration. He has collaborated with American periodicals such as the Miami Herald and foreign magazines such as Día Siete in Mexico and Gatopardo in Colombia. Toni Arnau is a photo documentarian whose work has been exhibited in Barcelona, Perpignan, and Rome. Eduardo Soteras is a founding member of RuidoPhoto, an organization dedicated to the production of photo documentaries, and the founder of ActiveStills, a collective of Israeli and international photographers focusing on the sociopolitical issues in Israel and the Gaza Strip.

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