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Entrevista Con El Vampiro / Interview With The Vampire

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-06-30
  • Publisher: Ediciones B
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The archetypal vampire myth is refreshed for a modern audience in this narrative of an 18th-century Louisiana plantation owner named Louis Pointe du Lac and the charismatic and powerful vampire Lestat who chooses Louis to be his fledgling. In Louis's first-person confession to a skeptical boy, this novel transforms the vampire from a hideous predator into a highly sympathetic, seductive, and human figure. The life of immortal Lestat, raised with a deep Catholic faith, provides a background for the novel's philosophical discussions of the nature of evil, the reality of death, and the limits of human perception. La mitologi a del vampiro es reinventado para lectores del siglo 20 en esta historia de Louis Pointe du Lac, el duen o de una plantacio n en el Louisiana del siglo 18, y el vampiro poderoso y dina mico Lestat quien adopta a Louis como disci pulo. El voz de Louis narra la novela, y este punto de vista trasforma el vampiro de un monstruo a una figura simpa tica, seductiva, y humana. La vida de inmortal Lestat, quien tiene profunda fe cato lica, provee una arena para discursos filoso ficos de la natura del malo, la realidad de la muerte, y las limitaciones de la percepcio n humana.

Author Biography

Anne Rice is the author of the Sleeping Beauty series and the Vampire Chronicles series, which includes Memnoch the Devil, The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, The Vampire Armand, and The Vampire Lestat. She lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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