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Equity Asset Valuation

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: eBook
  • Copyright: 2007-02-01
  • Publisher: Wiley
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"Here is an essential tool for the investor: clear, practical, insightful, and concise. This book should have a long, useful life in a professional's library." -Jeffrey P. Davis, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Lee Munder Capital Group "This book provides a clear, comprehensive overview of equity valuation concepts and methods. It is well suited for finance practitioners who want to strengthen their understanding of equity asset valuation and as a supplemental reading in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses addressing security analysis and business valuation." -Professor Robert Parrino, CFA, PhD, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin "CFA Institute has done it again. This will be a 'must' reference book for anyone serious about the nuances of equity investment valuation." -Robert D. Arnott, Chairman, Research Affiliates "Equity Asset Valuation concisely and clearly explains the most widely used approaches to equity evaluation. In addition to thoroughly explaining the implementation of each valuation method, there is sophisticated discussion of the commonsense financial economics and accounting issues underlying the methods." -David Blackwell, Head and RepublicBank/James W. Aston Professor of Finance, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University

Table of Contents

Foreword. Acknowledgments. Introduction. Chapter 1. The Equity Valuation Process. Chapter 2. Discounted Dividend Valuation. Chapter 3. Free Cash Flow Valuation. Chapter 4. Market-Based Valuation: Price Multiples. Chapter 5. Residual Income Valuation. References. Glossary. About the CFA Program. About the Authors. Index.

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