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Essays on Ricardian Literature In Honour of J. A. Burrow

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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1997-11-06
  • Publisher: Clarendon Press

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This collection develops issues and themes first broached in John Burrow's groundbreaking book Ricardian Poetry and incorporates a bibliography of his published writings, which have revolutionized critical appreciation of medieval literature. The contributors to this volume, all leading scholars, explore such areas as the status of Anglo-Latin and the influence of French culture on the Ricardian court, offer radical re-readings of some more familiar works, such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , Pearl , and Patience , and demonstrate how closely the literature of the period is bound up with political and social conditions.

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations xi(2)
Notes on the Contributors xiii
1. A Ricardian `I': The Narrator of `Troilus and Criseyde'
A. C. Spearing
2. Pre-empting Closure in `The Canterbury Tales': Old Endings, New Beginnings
Derek Pearsall
3. Women's Piety and Women's Power: Chaucer's Prioress Reconsidered
Carol M. Meale
4. Muses and Blacksmiths: Italian Trecento Poetics and the Reception of Dante in `The House of Fame'
N. R. Havely
5. French Culture and the Ricardian Court
Ardis Butterfield
6. Anglo-Latin in the Ricardian Age
A. G. Rigg
7. Looking for a Sign: The Quest for Nominalism in Chaucer and Langland
A. J. Minnis
8. Ricardian `Trouthe': A Legal Perspective
Richard Firth Green
9. Ricardian Romance? Critiques and Vindications
Nicolas Jacobs
10. The World and Heart of Thomas Usk
Stephen Medcalf
11. The Perfection of the Pentangle and of Sir Gawain in `Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'
Gerald Morgan
12. The `Pearl'-Poet in his `Fayre Regioun'
Thorlac Turville-Petre
13. `Patience' and Authority
John Scattergood
14. From `Ricardian Poetry' to Ricardian Studies
Charlotte C. Morse
J. A. Burrow: A Bibliography 345(6)
C. J. Burrow
Index 351

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