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Essentials of Psychology Concepts and Applications

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-12-14
  • Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
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The new edition of this brief introductory text retains the hallmark features that have made its parent text unique in the market, while offering a more manageable, student-friendly format. The text's organization breaks down each chapter into smaller instructional units organized around a set of key concepts in a particular area of study. The text also features Nevid's comprehensive learning system derived from research on memory, learning, and textbook pedagogy. This learning model incorporates what the author calls the "Four Es of Effective Learning"--Engaging Student Interest, Encoding Information, Elaborating Meaning, and Evaluating Progress. Nevid's Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Applications, 2/e, provides a broad view of psychology that includes the history, methods of research, major theories, and research findings of the discipline as well as applications of the knowledge gained from contemporary research to the problems and challenges we face in today's world. Major content revisions cover many of the 1,000-plus new citations of research findings and theoretical developments that have appeared in the scientific literature in the past three years. In addition the text offers the latest research findings in the areas of neuroscience, gender, and positive psychology.

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