Lachlan Burn: The European Directives relating to Issue and Trading of Securities | |
Introduction | |
Overview | |
Disclosure - Initial and Ongoing | |
Investor Protection | |
Some Conclusions | |
Doing Deals in Europe | |
Equity Offerings | |
Debt Offerings and Programmes | |
Private Placements in Europe and the US | |
Liability for London Listing | |
Takeovers and Stakebuilding | |
Special Considerations for Non-EU Issuers | |
Member State Regulation | |
Austria | |
Belgium | |
Denmark | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
The Netherlands | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
UK | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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