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Exiles Ultimate Collection - Book 2

by ; ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-08-19
  • Publisher: Marvel
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List Price: $34.99


They are the Exiles, reality-hopping nomads forced to repair the broken chain of time. In each new universe, they must complete a critical mission before moving on. If they cannot rescue these realities, they may never return home. In this volume, the Exiles find themselves in a violent wasteland ravaged by plague. Years ago, this reality was devastated by the mutant-killing Legacy Virus, leaving hundreds of thousands dead or dying. The Exiles' mission is to help create a vaccine - but to do so, they must overcome some of the most powerful super-beings ever known, transformed into monstrous aberrations by the disease. Then, the Exiles are in turmoil as they try to recover from the loss of one teammate and adapt to the arrival of another. Now led by the reluctant Mimic, they travel to the REAL Marvel Universe and cross paths with the actual X-Men. How will they fare together against the Dominant Species? Will the Exiles be forced to kill an X-Man to save the life of a child? Then, the Exiles are shipped off to the famous first mission that spawned the Fantastic Four. The time-traveling team arrives on the fateful day Marvel's first family of super heroes gained their powers, but a startling secret at the heart of this FF may mean devastation for our heroes. Collects Exiles #20-37 and X-Men Unlimited #41.

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