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Financial Statement Analysis Projects

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-01-01
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning
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This handbook is selective in its coverage in order to emphasize hands-on, practical skills and knowledge. The author provides theoretical background only when needed to encourage an intelligent use of statistics and experimental design. Thus, the book is neither theory-driven nor superficial. With this short, succinct text, students can quickly read a chapter before doing the lab and grasp the necessary statistical principles before starting their data analysis. The presentation is driven by four basic questions students need to ask in research: 1.) I want to answer these particular questions in my research; what kind of experimental design is best? 2.) I ve collected data; what is the best way to analyze them and what are the pitfalls? 3.) How should I interpret the results of the analysis? 4.) How should I report the results of the statistical analysis in a research paper?

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