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Food: Fear, Faith & Fellowship An Interdisciplinary Examination of Food Systems in the United States

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-10-11
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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List Price: $32.37 Save up to $0.16
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Food means many different things to each of us. It can be easy to develop tunnel vision and forget about the complexity of how food can bring value to our lives. The first step is understanding that a mindset of apathy and dismissal regarding our daily interaction with food is not natural, and, in fact, taught to us through media and advertising. To move forward as a healthy culture, we must regain an appreciation for or build a new relationship with food. Reorienting our consideration of food can impact a variety of other issues that plague our society. Ultimately, food is the key to a satisfying and fulfilling life for ourselves and our neighbors.

Author Biography

Vanessa Kovarovic is a gardener and an observer of nature. Her inquisitive spirit inspires her to look at the world around her with fresh eyes. She seeks to glimpse the wonder of how life energy is woven into the fabric of everything natural. Vanessa enjoys experiencing life through all her senses, including taste. Pairing her curiosity about life energy with her passion for food has allowed her to break down the complexity in our culture's food systems and consider ways to strengthen food security for the benefit of all.

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