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From Nation State to Europe? : Essays in Honour of Jack Hayward

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2001-04-12
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
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As the complex relationship between the European Union and its member states continues to evolve, this book seeks to explore not only the nature of the relationship but also the broader implications of European integration in which politics in Europe is studied. Written by a group of distinguished academics from both Europe and North America, it considers the impact of European integration both on the nature and the study of politics, especially in Western Europe.

Author Biography

Anand Menon, University Lecturer in European Politics, Faculty Fellow, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford Vincent Wright, Formerly Official Fellow of Nuffield College, University of Oxford

Table of Contents

List of Tables
List of Contributors
Anand Menon
I. The EU and its Member States
Monetary Sovereignty, Domestic Policies, and Intergovernmental Accord
Elie Cohen
National Squares and European Circle: The Challenge of Adjustment
Yves Meny
State, Europe, and Republic
Pierre Gremion
Two French Changes
Stanley Hoffmann
The Further Off From England: British Public Opinion and Europe
Hugh Berrington
Rod Hague
II. Social Science and the EU
Policy-Making in the EU: Familiar Ambitions in Unfamiliar Settings
Jeremy Richardson
Constitutional Reform and Treaty Reform in Europe
David Hine
The European Union and the Bureaucratic Mode of Production
Edward C. Page
Image and Illusion in the Design of the EMU
James Forder
III. The EU and Social Science
Interacting States
Bruno Jobert
Breaking Open Black Boxes: The Implications for Sociological Theory of European Integration
Colin Crouch
The Evolution of Economic Policy-Making in the European Union
Peter Hall
In lieu of a Conclusion
Anand Menon
Index 253

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