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Front Lines

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-05-06
  • Publisher: DAW
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List Price: $7.99


War—what is it good for? It’s good for 19 all-new tales from the battlefield... Nineteen all-new tales that look at war from the perspective of everyone from human to alien, pixie to toy. From epic intergalactic struggles for the future of humankind to the microcosm of a single abandoned toy soldier in a boy’s backyard; from a chemical experiment gone horribly wrong to a young recruit who may hold the key to understanding” the enemy; from a half-mortal knight trying to avert a war with the Elfin Host to a Battle of Trenton fought against seven-foot tall Saurians, Front Linesbrings together a diverse array of imaginative explorations of the phenomenon of war.

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