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Fundamentals of Case Management Practice Skills for the Human Services

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-03-11
  • Publisher: Brooks Cole
  • View Upgraded Edition

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Guide your students from the classroom to success in today's social service setting with the step-by-step practical skills found in this outstanding case management text/workbook. Summers' FUNDAMENTALS OF CASE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE: SKILLS FOR THE HUMAN SERVICES, Third Edition, focuses on what's most important for students to consider, document, and pass along within each step of the human service process. Students leave your course equipped with the basic skills and abilities to make good decisions and contribute to meaningful discussions in a professional setting. Text chapters walk through each step of the case management process--from intake through termination. This edition addresses additional diversity issues with more examples and practice scenarios. Numerous realistic exercises, drawn from the author's more than 20 years of experience and from the first-hand experiences of other active professionals, expose your students to a broad range of realistic circumstances and difficulties. Actual agency forms throughout the text/workbook give your students frequent opportunities to compile and work with information as they manage cases and prepare client files. This textbook will remain a useful reference for your students well after the classroom experience. For additional support and reference, the author's FUNDAMENTALS FOR PRACTICE WITH HIGH RISK POPULATIONS contains information on specific high risk populations, such as survivors of rape and violence, those with drug and alcohol dependence, individuals with mental illness, and more. Together, these texts empower your students to move competently into a professional setting.

Table of Contents

Foundations For Best Practice In Case Management
Ethics and Other Professional Responsibilities for Human Service Workers
Case Management: Definition and Responsibilities
Applying the Ecological Model: A Theoretical Foundation for Human Services
Useful Clarifications and Attitudes
Cultural Competence
Attitudes and Boundaries
Clarifying Who Owns the Problem
Effective Communication
Identifying Good Responses and Poor Responses
Listening and Responding
Asking Questions
Bringing Up Difficult Issues
Addressing and Disarming Anger
The Effective Combination of Skills
Putting It All Together
Meeting Clients and Assessing Their Strengths and Needs
Documenting Initial Inquiries
The First Interview
Social Histories and Assessment Forms
Using the DSM
The Mental Status Examination
Receiving and Releasing Information
Planning for Meaningful Change
Developing A Plan With The Client
Developing a Service Plan at the Case Management Unit
Preparing for a Service Planning Conference or Disposition Planning Meeting
Making the Referral and Assembling the Record
Documentation and Recording
Monitoring Services and Following The Client
Monitoring the Services or Treatment
Developing Goals and Objectives at the Provider Agency
Terminating the Case
Taking Care of Yourself
Appendix: Wildwood Case Management Unit Forms
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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