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Fundamentals of Physics, 7th Edition, Volume 1, (Chapters 1 - 21), 7th Edition

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 7th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2004-01-01
  • Publisher: Wiley
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List Price: $156.20

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.
Measurement 1.
How does the appearance of a new type of cloud signal changes in Earth’s atmosphere?
1-1 What Is Physics?
1-2 Measuring Things.
1-3 The International System of Units.
1-4 Changing Units.
1-5 Length.
1-6 Time.
1-7 Mass.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 2.
Motion Along a Straight Line.
What causes whiplash injury in rear-end collisions of cars?
2-1 What Is Physics?
2-2 Motion.
2-3 Position and Displacement.
2-4 Average Velocity and Average Speed.
2-5 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed.
2-6 Acceleration.
2-7 Constant Acceleration: A Special Case.
2-8 Another Look at Constant Acceleration.
2-9 Free-Fall Acceleration.
2-10 Graphical Integration in Motion Analysis.
2 Review & Summary.
Chapter 3.
How does an ant know the way home with no guiding clues on the desert plains?
3-1 What Is Physics?
3-2 Vectors and Scalars.
3-3 Adding Vectors Geometrically.
3-4 Components of Vectors.
3-5 Unit Vectors.
3-6 Adding Vectors by Components.
3-7 Vectors and the Laws of Physics.
3-8 Multiplying Vectors.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 4.
Motion in Two and Three Dimensions.
In a motorcycle jump for record distance, where does the jumper put the second ramp?
4-1 What Is Physics?
4-2 Position and Displacement.
4-3 Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity.
4-4 Average Acceleration and Instantaneous Acceleration.
4-5 Projectile Motion.
4-6 Projectile Motion Analyzed.
4-7 Uniform Circular Motion.
4-8 Relative Motion in One Dimension.
4-9 Relative Motion in Two Dimensions.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 5.
Force and Motion—I.
When a pilot takes off from an aircraft carrier, what causes the compulsion to .y the plane into the ocean?
5-1 What Is Physics?
5-2 Newtonian Mechanics.
5-3 Newton’s First Law.
5-4 Force.
5-5 Mass.
5-6 Newton’s Second Law.
5-7 Some Particular Forces.
5-8 Newton’s Third Law.
5-9 Applying Newton’s Laws.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 6.
Force and Motion—II.
Can a Grand Prix race car be driven upside down on a ceiling?
6-1 What Is Physics?
6-2 Friction.
6-3 Properties of Friction.
6-4 The Drag Force and Terminal Speed.
6-5 Uniform Circular Motion.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 7.
Kinetic Energy and Work.
In an epidural procedure, what sensations clue a surgeon that the needle has reached the spinal canal?
7-1 What Is Physics?
7-2 What Is Energy?
7-3 Kinetic Energy.
7-4 Work.
7-5 Work and Kinetic Energy.
7-6 Work Done by the Gravitational Force.
7-7 Work Done by a Spring Force.
7-8 Work Done by a General Variable Force.
7-9 Power.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 8.
Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy.
In rock climbing, what subtle factor determines if a falling climber will snap the rope?
8-1 What Is Physics?
8-2 Work and Potential Energy.
8-3 Path Independence of Conservative Forces.
8-4 Determining Potential Energy Values.
8-5 Conservation of Mechanical Energy.
8-6 Reading a Potential Energy Curve.
8-7 Work Done on a System by an External Force.
8-8 Conservation of Energy.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 9.
Center of Mass and Linear Momentum.
Does the presence of a passenger reduce the fatality risk in head-on car collisions?
9-1 What Is Physics?
9-2 The Center of Mass.
9-3 Newton’s Second Law for a System of Particles.
9-4 Linear Momentum.
9-5 The Linear Momentum of a System of Particles.
9-6 Collision and Impulse.
9-7 Conservation of Linear Momentum.
9-8 Momentum and Kinetic Energy in Collisions.
9-9 Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension.
9-10 Elastic Collisions in One Dimension.
9-11 Collisions in Two Dimensions.
9-12 Systems with Varying Mass: A Rocket.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 10.
What causes roller-coaster headache?
10-1 What Is Physics?
10-2 The Rotational Variables.
10-3 Are Angular Quantities Vectors?
10-4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration.
10-5 Relating the Linear and Angular Variables.
10-6 Kinetic Energy of Rotation.
10-7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia.
10-8 Torque.
10-9 Newton’s Second Law for Rotation.
10-10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 11.
Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum.
When a jet-powered car became supersonic in setting the land-speed record, what was the danger to the wheels?
11-1 What Is Physics?
11-2 Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined.
11-3 The Kinetic Energy of Rolling.
11-4 The Forces of Rolling.
11-5 The Yo-Yo.
11-6 Torque Revisited.
11-7 Angular Momentum.
11-8 Newton’s Second Law in Angular Form.
11-9 The Angular Momentum of a System of Particles.
11-10 The Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating About a Fixed Axis.
11-11 Conservation of Angular Momentum.
11-12 Precession of a Gyroscope.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 12.
Equilibrium and Elasticity.
What injury can occur to a rock climber hanging by a crimp hold?
12-1 What Is Physics?
12-2 Equilibrium.
12-3 The Requirements of Equilibrium.
12-4 The Center of Gravity.
12-5 Some Examples of Static Equilibrium.
12-6 Indeterminate Structures.
12-7 Elasticity.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 13.
What lies at the center of our Milky Way galaxy?
13-1 What Is Physics?
13-2 Newton’s Law of Gravitation.
13-3 Gravitation and the Principle of Superposition.
13-4 Gravitation Near Earth’s Surface.
13-5 Gravitation Inside Earth.
13-6 Gravitational Potential Energy.
13-7 Planets and Satellites: Kepler’s Laws.
13-8 Satellites: Orbits and Energy.
13-9 Einstein and Gravitation.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 14.
What causes ground effect in race car driving?
14-1 What Is Physics?
14-2 What Is a Fluid?
14-3 Density and Pressure.
14-4 Fluids at Rest.
14-5 Measuring Pressure.
14-6 Pascal’s Principle.
14-7 Archimedes’ Principle.
14-8 Ideal Fluids in Motion.
14-9 The Equation of Continuity.
14-10 Bernoulli’s Equation.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 15.
What is the "secret" of a skilled diver’s high catapult in springboard diving?
15-1 What Is Physics?
15-2 Simple Harmonic Motion.
15-3 The Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion.
15-4 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion.
15-5 An Angular Simple Harmonic Oscillator.
15-6 Pendulums.
15-7 Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion.
15-8 Damped Simple Harmonic Motion.
15-9 Forced Oscillations and Resonance.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 16.
How can a submarine wreck be located by distant seismic stations?
16-1 What Is Physics?
16-2 Types of Waves.
16-3 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves.
16-4 Wavelength and Frequency.
16-5 The Speed of a Traveling Wave.
16-6 Wave Speed on a Stretched String.
16-7 Energy and Power of a Wave Traveling Along a String.
16-8 The Wave Equation.
16-9 The Principle of Superposition for Waves.
16-10 Interference of Waves.
16-11 Phasors.
16-12 Standing Waves.
16-13 Standing Waves and Resonance.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 17.
How can an emperor penguin .nd its mate among thousands of huddled penguins?
17-1 What Is Physics?
17-2 Sound Waves.
17-3 The Speed of Sound.
17-4 Traveling Sound Waves.
17-5 Interference.
17-6 Intensity and Sound Level.
17-7 Sources of Musical Sound.
17-8 Beats.
17-9 The Doppler Effect.
17-10 Supersonic Speeds, Shock Waves.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 18.
Temperature, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics.
How can a dead rattlesnake detect and strike a reaching hand?
18-1 What Is Physics?
18-2 Temperature.
18-3 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.
18-4 Measuring Temperature.
18-5 The Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales.
18-6 Thermal Expansion.
18-7 Temperature and Heat.
18-8 The Absorption of Heat by Solids and Liquids.
18-9 A Closer Look at Heat and Work.
18-10 The First Law of Thermodynamics.
18-11 Some Special Cases of the First Law of Thermodynamics.
18-12 Heat Transfer Mechanisms.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 19.
The Kinetic Theory of Gases.
How can cooling steam inside a railroad tank car cause the car to be crushed?
19-1 What Is Physics?
19-2 Avogadro’s Number.
19-3 Ideal Gases.
19-4 Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed.
19-5 Translational Kinetic Energy.
19-6 Mean Free Path.
19-7 The Distribution of Molecular Speeds.
19-8 The Molar Speci.c Heats of an Ideal Gas.
19-9 Degrees of Freedom and Molar Speci.c Heats.
19-10 A Hint of Quantum Theory.
19-11 The Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas.
Review & Summary.
Chapter 20.
Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Why is the popping of popcorn irreversible?
20-1 What Is Physics?
20-2 Irreversible Processes and Entropy.
20-3 Change in Entropy.
20-4 The Second Law of Thermodynamics.
20-5 Entropy in the Real World: Engines.
20-6 Entropy in the Real World: Refrigerators.
20-7 The Ef.ciencies of Real Engines.
20-8 A Statistical View of Entropy.
Review & Summary.
A The International System of Units (SI).
B Some Fundamental Constants of Physics.
C Some Astronomical Data.
D Conversion Factors.
E Mathematical Formulas.
F Properties of the Elements.
G Periodic Table of the Elements.
Answers to Checkpoints and Odd-Numbered Questions and Problems.

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