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Purchase Benefits
Linda L. Lindsey is Professor of Sociology at Maryville University of St. Louis and Professor of American Culture Studies, adj. at Washington University. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from Case Western Reserve University and a later M.A. in Education from St. Louis University. Her books include Gender Roles: A Sociological Perspective, Sociology (with Stephen Beach) and Preventing Ethnic Conflict: Successful Cross-National Strategies (with Irwin Deutscher). She works with the Asian Studies Development Program, a joint program of the East-West Center and University of Hawaii. She has received Fulbright-Hays awards and grants related to global education and research focusing on the developing world. She volunteers widely on behalf of women’s advocacy, health, and immigrant support. She received a Distinguished Alumni Award, from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and has been elected to Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in America. She served as President of the Missouri Sociological Association.
Part I Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Chapter 1 The Sociology of Gender: Theoretical Perspectives and Feminist Frameworks
Chapter 2 Gender Development: Biology, Sexuality, and Health
Chapter 3 Gender Development: The Socialization Process
Chapter 4 Gendered Language and Socialization
Chapter 5 Western History and the Construction of Gender Roles
Chapter 6 Global Perspectives on Gender
Part II Gender Roles, Marriage, and the Family
Chapter 7 Gendered Love, Marriage, and Emerging Lifestyle
Chapter 8 Gender and Family Relations
Chapter 9 Men and Masculinity
Part III Gender Roles: Focus on Social Institutions
Chapter 10 Gender, Work, and the Workplace
Chapter 11 Education and Gender Role Change
Chapter 12 Religion and Patriarchy
Chapter 13 Media
Chapter 14 Power, Politics, and the Law
Part I Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Chapter 1 The Sociology of Gender: Theoretical Perspectives and Feminist Frameworks
Basic Sociological Concepts
Sociological Perspectives on Gender Roles
Feminism and its Branches
Feminism and the Media
Chapter 2 Gender Development: Biology, Sexuality, and Health
Nature and Nurture
Gendered Sexuality
Gender and Health
The Women’s Health Movement
Nature versus Nurture Revisited: The Politics of Biology
Chapter 3 Gender Development: The Socialization Process
Gender Socialization and Cultural Diversity
Theories of Gender Socialization
Chapter 4 Gendered Language and Socialization
The Generic Myth
Gendered Language Usage
Nonverbal Communication
Gender and Online Communication
Global Focus: The Language of Japanese Women
Explaining Gendered Language Patterns
The Impact of Linguistic Sexism
Chapter 5 Western History and the Construction of Gender Roles
Placing Women in History
Classical Societies
The Middle Ages
The American Experience
The Women’s Movement
Chapter 6 Global Perspectives on Gender
The United Nations Conferences on Women
Latin America
The Muslim World
Part II Gender Roles, Marriage, and the Family
Chapter 7 Gendered Love, Marriage, and Emerging Lifestyle
Mate Selection
Gender Roles in Marriage and the Family
Gender Roles in Emerging Marriages and Lifestyles
Chapter 8 Gender and Family Relations
The Parenthood Transition
Parents as Dual Earners
Families in Multicultural Perspective
Single-Parent Families
Gender Patterns in Gay and Lesbian Families
Chapter 9 Men and Masculinity
Historical Notes and Masculine Markers
On Masculinity
Masculinity and Fatherhood
Men at Middle Age and in Later Life
Women at Midlife
Gendered Violence
The Men’s Movement in the United States
Part III Gender Roles: Focus on Social Institutions
Chapter 10 Gender, Work, and the Workplace
Historical Overview
Balancing Multiple Work and Family Roles
Gendered Institutions in Choice of Work
Economic Trends and the Family
Women in the Labor Force
Global Focus: Microenterprise and Women
Chapter 11 Education and Gender Role Change
A Brief Lesson in History
The Process of Education
Gender Issues in Education
The Lessons of Title IX
Global Focus: The Developing World’s Gender Gap in Education
Chapter 12 Religion and Patriarchy
Rediscovering the Feminine Face of God
American Catholics
Gender, Religiosity, and Leadership
Toward an Inclusive Theology
Chapter 13 Media
Print Media
Soap Operas
Men’s Images in Media
Gender and Mass Media Industries
Media and Social Change
Chapter 14 Power, Politics, and the Law
The Law
The Equal Rights Amendment
Feminism in the Twenty-First Century
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