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Geo-Environment and Landscape Evolution: Third International Conference on Evolution, Monitoring, Simulation, Management and Remediation of the Geological Environment and Landscape

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2008-06-16
  • Publisher: Computational Mechanics
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List Price: $263.99
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Table of Contents

Remediation and restoration
Silica sand slope gullying and mining in Central Spain: erosion processes and geomorphic reclamation of contour miningp. 3
The problem of flow by-pass at permeable reactive barriersp. 15
Planning of flood defence management and rehabilitation of the natural habitat in the downstream part of the river Tiberp. 25
Environmental modelling
The potential impact of agricultural management change on soil restoration of the cereal-growing regions of central spainp. 37
The nugget-effect approaches of SAKWeb for environmental modellingp. 47
Occurrence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Kuwait environmentp. 57
The water balance analysis of Kordan Basin (north west of Iran)p. 65
The behaviour of unsaturated compacted clay under plane strain conditionp. 77
Novel combined approach for bedrock incision analysis: geochemistry and hydraulic modelling. Loire River Application (France)p. 87
Hydrological modelling of the "Sierra de las Minas" in Guatemala, by using a conceptual distributed model and considering the lack of datap. 97
Environmental monitoring
Developments in land use in a periurban area of central Portugal: the importance of biophysical parametersp. 109
Monitoring spit development in Pomene, southern Mozambique, using Landsat datap. 119
Environmental hazards and pollution
Batch-operation as a method to enhance oxygen supply in a constructed wetlandp. 131
Effect of crude oil pollution on the oil-degrading bacteroids community in the nodules of Arachis hypogaeap. 143
Water quality of road runoff in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australiap. 151
Vertical and horizontal variation in natural chloroform in two adjacent soil profiles in a coniferous forestp. 161
Landscape analysis
Land use changes on Hiiumaa Island (north-western Estonia) in the last fifty yearsp. 173
Mechanisms in recent landscape transformationp. 183
Greenspaces planning evolution in Madrid in the 20th centuryp. 193
Landscape small-scale mapping and sustainable developmentp. 203
Investigating the characteristics of Persian gardens: taking a close look at Mahan Shah Zadeh gardenp. 211
"Pimp your landscape" - an interactive land-use planning support toolp. 219
A comparison of pixel and object-based land cover classification: a case study of the Asmara region, Eritreap. 233
Author Indexp. 245
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