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GINGERAID! The 'GINGERPOWER' Coloring & Mindset Transformation Book

by ;
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-01-17
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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"When a girl is reading or going through the pages of this book she should feel a certain type of way, and by the time she is done reading this book and coloring; she should paint a different picture or image of herself and have this different feeling." - Naimah Gbajabiamila

GingerAid is a Literacy Art product inspired by the promising, yet often destabilized Nigerian youth - the 'Girl Child' in particular, and fueled via poignant shared experiences at The Dynamic Women Retreat with Lisa Nichols in May 2019.

Its aim is to present POSSIBILITIES to young girls and grown women alike in light, whimsical and graphical format. It features the multiple challenging and fulfilling roles and responsibilities of diverse Women of minority origins, to inspire a renewed generational mindset of self-belief, confidence, and the audacity to dare to seek and leverage 'The Power Of One' - for ALL girls (and boys) who desire to continue to CONNECT. TRANSFORM. GROW.

The book features various visual role descriptions, notes to the user, and anecdotes to inform and inspire as Ginger Soul Girls envision and style their future - basking in the image of those that have gone ahead, to affirm the POSSIBILITIES presented and imagined.

This production is for the world's proverbial "Girl Children" - young and old. It also encourages the "Boy Children" to see the Girls in the light they see themselves.

The idea is to "ginger" users with ongoing mindset shifts and transformation as they grow.

The title 'GingerAid' is a double entendre on:

1. "Lemonade" - the sweetened product of lemon base with sugar. Often used in motivational nuances ie "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Whereas, in Nigeria "Ginger" has become a literal nationally accepted term for "to motivate / to inspire / to enjoin / to infuse / to energize..."

2. "Aid" - to help, pronounced like the "ade" in lemonade

It is a publication of Ginger Soul Lifestyle Co, borne and compiled on the optimism of the founder and her Daughter, that every girl; young in person or at heart possesses a special gift they may just need "permission" to explore.

The Co-Authors are Dual Citizens of Nigeria and the United States. Evidence of their dual heritage is liberally splashed across the pages of this book.

Author Biography

Aminah 'Ginger' Gbajabiamila is a passionate Possibilities Purveyor.

An experiential Transformational Life Stylist that believes in transforming lives via impactful memorable experiences.

She's a practicing Coach, Speaker, Trainer, and Mentor; who appreciates her work and play spaces value 'People, Words, and Hospitality'.

Author of the eBook 'The Daring Power of One: 1'mPOSSIBLE. So Are You', Aminah is dedicated to serving Young Adults, and their (often Middle-Age) parents to Connect Soulfully, get Clear, and FREE to live their best authentic, purposeful, and productive lives. She is committed to leveraging her passion and skills to the purposeful 'Outside Classroom' Education of her Target Audience.

A thriving foodie and prior restaurateur, Aminah has also enjoyed two decades plus in Corporate Marketing Communications and Brand Management roles - from Atlanta, GA to Lagos, Nigeria.

Married just about half her lifetime to Lanre as at her 2021 Golden Jubilee, she is a proud nurturing mother to The Terrific Trio: Naimah, with whom she has Co-Authored this book - and her older brothers Khabir and Kashiff. Naimah K. Gbajabiamila is a Free-Spirit teenager.

She is a quintessential Gen Z-er (though quite painfully shy) A Self-Taught Creative, who is particularly skilled in producing short engaging Video Clips.

While Naimah doesn't read half as many print books as her mum would like, she most definitely makes up for it in digital content consumption - including, but unlimited to reading, viewing, listening, research and analysis.

Naimah has watched enough episodes of Gray's Anatomy over the Pandemic to earn an Honorary Medical Degree; if only.

An ardent leisure swimmer, and graduating chorister on her Sarah Smith Elementary School Choir; Naimah loves music, dancing, visual arts, and inspiring people. She aspires to be an Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OBGYN), and/or a Fashion Icon Stylist.

Whatever she eventually decides, there is no doubt she will be an all-around great asset to her field, and her community.

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