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Global Change Biology

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-01-13
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Global Change Biology is available in e-book format only. Print-on-demand can be provided for orders where print is specified.

Bree Rosenblum's Global Change Biology provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of Global Change Biology and a roadmap for structuring Global Change Biology courses, a burgeoning field of biological study. The first of its kind, Rosenblum goes beyond the narrow focus of existing texts, which tend to focus on climate only, by offering a conceptionally integrated approach to understanding how humans have impacted life on Earth. The textbook guides students to think about change across spatial and temporal scales and fills a unique niche of integrating ecological and evolutionary perspectives throughout.

The conceptual arc of the textbook is organized around four fundamental learning objectives that traverse the past, present, and future. Students will explore: a) the complex history of planetary change, b) the impact of contemporary stressors across biological levels, biomes, and the tree of life, c) the dynamic interactions and responses of living systems to planetary change, and d) the opportunities for maintaining resilient ecosystems in a changing world. Enrichment features include Core Concepts boxes reviewing foundational material, Meet the Data boxes providing direct experience interpreting global change biology data, and Taking a Closer Look providing an opportunity to evaluate multifaceted biological responses in complex systems. Pre- and post- assessment tools like The Blank Page and reflection questions throughout, encourage students to reflect, self-assess, and deepen their learning.

The primary intended audience for Global Change Biology is upper division undergraduate students who are ready to apply key concepts in ecology and evolution to the Global Change Biology theme area and develop a more analytical and integrative skill set as scientists. However, the textbook has crossover power to engage other audiences and provide a roadmap for developing courses to inform and inspire students about the study of life on a rapidly changing planet.

Author Biography

Bree Rosenblum is currently an Associate Professor of Global Change Biology at UC Berkeley in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. She received her B.A. from Brown University and her PhD from UC Berkeley. Bree's research focuses on understanding the biological diversity of our planet. Specifically, she is interested in how new species form and why species are being lost at such an alarming rate in our contemporary world. Her research crosses scales from genes to ecosystems, and takes her from deserts to rainforests around the world. Bree's work has been recognized by numerous awards and is featured regularly in the popular and educational press. Bree also provides leadership for several initiatives aimed at transforming higher education and fostering discovery-oriented learning.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Approaches in Global Change Biology
How Did the Field of Global Change Biology Develop?
How Are Global Change Biology Studies Designed?
What Key Research Approaches Are Used in Global Change Biology?
What Key Tools Are Used in Global Change Biology?
Core Concepts: How are Data Displayed?
Meet the Data: The Economic Value of Nature
Taking a Closer Look: The Value of Biological Diversity

Chapter 2. Brief History of Life on Earth
What Key Transitions Led to the Emergence of Life on Earth?
How Did Cellular Life Evolve and Diversify?
What Evolutionary Processes Shape Biological Diversity?
When Have Speciation and Extinction Rates Been Particularly High?
Core Concepts: What is a Phylogenetic Tree?
Meet the Data: The Ring of Life
Taking a Closer Look: Biological Levels of Change

Chapter 3. Rise of the Humans
When and How Did Early Hominids Evolve?
When and How Did Modern Humans Spread Around the World?
How Did Early Human Civilizations Impact the Environment?
Core Concepts: What Is In a Name?
Meet the Data: Ice Age Genetics
Taking a Closer Look: The Evolutionary Success of Humans

Chapter 4. The Anthropocene
What Is the Anthropocene and When Did It Begin?
What Are Patterns of Contemporary Population Growth?
How Are Contemporary Human Civilizations Impacting the Environment?
How Do Anthropogenic Stressors Interact with Each Other?
What Influences Overall Vulnerability to Global Change Pressures?
Core Concepts: What is Climate and How Is It Measured?
Meet the Data: Pollinators and Pesticides
Taking a Closer Look: Historical and Contemporary Climate Change


Chapter 5. Core Responses: Move
How and Why Do Organisms Move?
What Is a Geographic Range?
What Factors Determine a Species' Geographic Range?
Do Range Changes Occur Even Without Anthropogenic Influence?
What Types of Range Changes Occur in Response to Anthropogenic Pressures?
How Do Scientists Predict Range Changes?
Core Concepts: What Is a Niche?
Meet the Data: A Century of Change in Yosemite
Taking a Closer Look: Globalization and Invasive Species

Chapter 6. Core Responses: Adjust
What Is Phenotypic Plasticity?
Is the Capacity for Plasticity Consistent Across Traits and Species?
What Types of Plasticity Occur in Response to Global Change
What Mechanisms Underlie Phenotypic Plasticity?
How Do Scientists Assess and Predict Phenotypic Plasticity?
Can Plasticity Facilitate Long-Term Persistence?
Core Concepts: What Are the Mechanisms of Heredity?
Meet the Data: Phenology and Global Warming
Taking a Closer Look: Urbanization

Chapter 7. Core Responses: Adapt
What Conditions Are Required for Adaptation?
What Is an Example of Evolution by Natural Selection?
What Types of Adaptation Occur in Response to Global Change Pressures?
How Do Scientists Identify Adaptations and Predict Adaptive Potential?
Can Adaptation Prevent Extinction?
Core Concepts: Where Does Genetic Variation Come From?
Meet the Data: The Daphnia Time Machine
Taking a Closer Look: Coral Reefs

Chapter 8. Core Responses: Die
How Is the Survival of Individuals, Populations, and Species Connected?
What Are Examples of Extinction in Response to Global Change Pressures?
How Do Scientists Estimate Extinction Risk?
How Do Scientists Summarize Global Patterns of Extinction Risk?
What Is the Sixth Mass Extinction?
Core Concepts: What is Extinction Debt?
Meet the Data: The Sixth Mass Extinction
Taking a Closer Look: Amphibian Declines


Chapter 9. Community-Level Responses
What Are Key Types of Biological Interactions?
How Do Global Change Pressures Affect Biological Interactions?
How Does Extinction Affect Communities?
What Are Cascading Effects?
Core Concepts: What Are Above- and Below-Ground Food Webs?
Meet the Data: The Collapse of Mutualisms
Taking a Closer Look: Kelp Forests and Trophic Cascades

Chapter 10. Ecosystem-Level Responses
What Are Biogeochemical Cycles?
How Do Global Change Pressures Impact Ecosystems?
How Do Global Change Pressures Impact Large-Scale Earth Systems?
What Is a Feedback?
What Is Ecosystem Collapse?
What Is Ecosystem Resilience?
Core Concepts: What is a Biodiversity Hotspot?
Meet the Data: Greenhouse Gases in the Soil
Taking a Closer Look: Factors Influencing Response to Global Change


Chapter 11. Conservation in an Era of Global Change
Why Is It Important to Explicitly Define Conservation Priorities?
Why Is It Important to Match Conservation Actions to Particular Biological Levels?
What Are Examples of Fine-Filter Conservation Strategies?
What Are Examples of Coarse-Filter Conservation Strategies?
What Is Adaptive Management?
Core Concepts: What is Climate Mitigation?
Meet the Data: Maximizing Evolutionary Diversity
Taking a Closer Look: Emerging Technologies and Conservation Ethics

Chapter 12. Aligning the Interests of Biodiversity and Human Society
What Are Coupled Human-Natural Systems?
What Societal Levers Can Be Used to Support Biodiversity Conservation?
How Can Individuals Support Biodiversity Conservation?
How Can Collectives Support Biodiversity Conservation?
How Can Policy Action Support Biodiversity Conservation?
What Is the Forecast for the Future?
Core Concepts: What is I=PAT?
Meet the Data: Financial Incentives for Dynamic Conservation
Taking a Closer Look: Environmental Worldviews

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