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God Speaks! the Flying Spaghetti Monster in His Own Words

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-03-30
  • Publisher: Lightning Source Inc

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the world's newest deity. Wisdom direct from the FSM's noodly lips. Poetic insight on love, sex, service, and cleanliness; Eye-opening commentary on the 7 deadly sins and other world religions; The only logically proven answers to "What is the one true religion?" and "Who is the one true God?" Astonishing prophecies on the end of the world, and 10,000 mysterious and uncensored verses. With humor, GOD SPEAKS! challenges us to go beyond superficial religiosity and look for deeper meaning. GOD SPEAKS! is the Holy Book for the Reformed Church of the FSM, a heretical offspring of the pre-reformation Church of the FSM. Unlike the pre-reformation Church, The Reformed Church takes its wisdom directly from the FSM Deity, without human intervention. God Speaks! Really.CLICK "Preview this Book"TO BROWSE BOOK BEFORE PURCHASE.

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