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Going to the Source, Volume II: Since 1865 The Bedford Reader in American History

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-08-30
  • Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's

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Many document readers offer lots of sources, but only Going to the Sourcecombines a rich diversity of primary and secondary sources with in-depth instructions for howand whento use each type of source. Mirroring the chronology of the U.S. history survey, each of the main chapters employs a single type of source from personal letters to political cartoons while focusing on an intriguing historical episode such as the Cherokee Removal or the 1894 Pullman Strike. A new capstone chapter in each volume prompts students to synthesize information on a single topic from a variety of source types. The wide range of topics and sources across 28 chapters 6 of them new provide students with all they need to become fully engaged with America's history.

Author Biography

Victoria Bissell Brown is the L.F. Parker Professor of History at Grinnell College, where she teaches Modern U.S. History, U.S. Women’s History, and U.S. Immigration History. She is the author of The Education of Jane Addams and the editor of the Bedford/St. Martin’s edition of Jane Addams’s Twenty Years at Hull-House. Her articles have appeared in Feminist Studies, The Journal of Women’s History, and The Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. She has served as a Book Review Editor for The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era and for the Women and Social Movements website.
Timothy J. Shannon is professor of History at Gettysburg College, where he teaches Early American and Native American History. His other books include Iroquois Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier, Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America, and Indians and Colonists at the Crossroads of Empire: The Albany Congress of 1754, which received the Dixon Ryan Fox Prize from the New York State Historical Association and the Distinguished Book Award from the Society of Colonial Wars. His articles have appeared in the William and Mary Quarterly, Ethnohistory, and the New England Quarterly, and he has been a research fellow at the Huntington Library and John Carter Brown Library.

Table of Contents

Inside Cover: Guide to Using the Book

1. Political Terrorism during Reconstruction: Congressional Hearings and Reports on the Ku Klux Klan
Using the Source: Congressional Hearings and Reports
The Source: Testimony and Reports from the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States

2. Picturing a Western Myth: Photography and the Blackfeet Indians
Using the Source: Photographs
The Source: Photographs of the Blackfeet at Glacier National Park and on the Reservation, 1890–1930

3. Reading the 1894 Pullman Strike: Chicago’s Daily Papers Report the News
Using the Source: Newspaper Articles
The Source: Chicago Newspaper Articles in the Pullman Strike, May 12, 1894–July 15, 1894

4. Immigrant to the Promised Land: Memory and Autobiography
Using the Source: Autobiographies
The Source: I Came a Stranger: The Story of a Hull-House Girl by Hilda Satt Polacheck

5. Selling Respectability: Advertisements in the African-American Press, 1910–1913
Using the Source: Magazine Advertisements
The Source: Advertisements from The Crisis, November 1910 – March 1913

6. Living under Fire: World War I Soldiers’ Diaries
Using the Source: Diaries
The Source: World War I Diaries from the St. Mihiel and Meuse Argonne Battles, 1918

*7. Singing of Struggle: Mexican Workers' Folk Songs from the American Southwest
Using the Source: Folk Music
The Source: Mexican Corridos (Folk Songs), 1910-1930

8. Painting a New Deal: U.S. Post Office Murals from the Great Depression
Using the Source: Public Art
The Source: Post Office Murals Depicting ÒWorkÓ in Local Communities, 1936–1942

9. Challenging Wartime Internment: Supreme Court Records from Korematsu v. United States
Using the Source: Supreme Court Records
The Source: Briefs and Supreme Court Opinions in Korematsu v. United States, October Term, 1944

10. Decision-Making on the Brink: Presidential Recordings of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Using the Source: Presidential Tapes
The Source: Presidential Tape Recordings from the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

11. Speaking of Equality: The Senate Debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Using the Source: Senate Speeches
The Source: Speeches from the Senate Debating the Civil Rights Act of 1964
*12. Writing on the Ivy Walls: A Popular History of the 1968 Columbia University Rebellion
Using the Source: Popular History
The Source: Excerpt from 1968 in America, by Charles Kaiser

13. Drawn to Summits: Political Cartoons on President Reagan and the Arms Race
Using the Source: Political Cartoons
The Source: Political Cartoons from the Reagan Era, 1981–1988

*CAPSTONE: Women, Work, and Family: 1950-2000
The Sources: Documents and Images on Women, Work, and Family

Appendix I: Avoiding Plagiarism
Appendix II: Documenting the Source
* new to this edition

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