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The Golden Apples of the Sun: And Other Stories

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Limited
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2008-03-01
  • Publisher: Subterranean
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List Price: $50.00


Ray Bradbury is a modern cultural treasure. And here, presented in a new trade edition, are thirty-two of his most famous tales - prime examples of the poignant and mysterious poetry which Bradbury uniquely uncovers in the depths of the human soul, the otherworldly portraits of outre fascination which spring from the canvas of one of the century's great men of imagination. From a lonely coastal lighthouse to a sixty-million-year-old safari, from the pouring rain of Venus to the ominous silence of a murder scene, Ray Bradbury is our sure-handed guide not only to surprising and outrageous manifestations of the future, but also to the wonders of the present that we could never have imagined on our own.

Table of Contents

The Pedestrianp. 9
The Wildernessp. 15
The April Witchp. 25
The Big Black and White Gamep. 37
Embroideryp. 49
The Golden Apples of the Sunp. 53
The Golden Kite, The Silver Windp. 61
The Great Firep. 67
Hail and Farewellp. 75
Invisible Boyp. 83
The Murdererp. 93
Powerhousep. 103
A Sound of Thunderp. 113
The Flying Machinep. 127
I See You Neverp. 133
The Meadowp. 137
The Garbage Collectorp. 153
The Fog Hornp. 159
Sun and Shadowp. 167
The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowlp. 175
En La Nochep. 187
The Great Wide World Over Therep. 193
Bonus Materialp. 207
The Fog Hornp. 209
En La Nochep. 227
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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