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Growing Musicians Teaching Music in Middle School and Beyond

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: eBook
  • Copyright: 2016-01-27
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Growing Musicians: Teaching Music in Middle School and Beyond focuses on teaching adolescents within the context of a music classroom, regardless of content area (orchestra, band, choir, or general music). It provides a look at the importance of music courses in the lives of adolescents as they navigate the path between being a child and an adult. As every music student is completely unique, there is no one-size-fits-all prescriptive way of working with this age group. Rather, music educators must approach adolescents with high musical standards and aspirations to learn and achieve within music; a willingness to honor the individuality of each adolescent musician; a sense of structure, but an ability to be flexible; a desire to foster and promote a safe classroom environment where students feel empowered to be themselves and speak openly about what they think and believe; an understanding that music classes are not only safe places where students learn how to become better musicians but also better people through musical experiences focused on humanity and empathy; and a dose of humor, or at least the ability to acknowledge that adolescents are extremely funny whether or not they realize it. In addition, this book encourages pre-service and practicing music educators to mindfully examine and better understand their own teaching practices.

Author Biography

Bridget Sweet is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of Illinois. She has worked extensively with adolescent singers as a teacher, clinician, and adjudicator. Her research interests include middle level choral music education, female and male adolescent voice change, educating and empowering adolescent music students, and the intersection of LGBTQ topics and the music classroom.

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