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A History of Ancient Egypt

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-08-08
  • Publisher: Penguin Global
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List Price: $35.00


This extraordinary book draws on a lifetime of research and thought to recreate the previously untold story of how a civilization which began with handfuls of semi-itinerant fishermen settled, spread and created a rich, vivid, strange civilization that had its first culmination in the pharaoh Khufu building the Great Pyramid, perhaps the most astounding of all human-made landmarks. The book immerses the reader in the fascinating world of archaeological evidence, the process over the past two centuries by which this long vanished world has gradually re-emerged and the rapidly changing interpretations which these breathtaking but entirely enigmatic remains have been subjected to. Whether he is writing about the smallest necklace bead or the most elaborate royal tomb, John Romer conveys to the reader a remarkable sense of how to understand a people so like ourselves and yet in so many ways eerily different.

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