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A History of Modern Psychology in Context

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-02-22
  • Publisher: Wiley

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Most students of psychology today have little understanding of all the theories and world views their discipline championed in earlier decades. They are unaware of the philosophical underpinning of their work and the relatively new establishment of the field as a science. The History of Psychology in Context allows students to understand the history of the discipline, including its origins in philosophy and emergence as a science, while considering the impact of social and cultural factors on the development of the discipline.

Author Biography

Wade E. Pickren, PhD, is the Historian of the American Psychological Association. For eight years, Wade was both APA Historian and Director of Archives. He is currently on the psychology faculty at Ryerson University in Toronto and continues to serve as APA Historian.

Alexandra Rutherford, PhD, is Associate Professor of psychology in the History and Theory of Psychology Graduate Program at York University. She is the official historian of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and the Heritage Chair of the Society for the Psychology of Women.

Table of Contents

Origins Of A Science Of Mind
Everyday Life And Psychological Practices
Subject Matter, Methods, And The Making Of A New Science
From Periphery To Center: Creating An American Psychology
The Practice Of Psychology At The Interfacewith Medicine
Psychologists As Testers: Applying Psychology, Ordering Society
American Psychological Science And Practice Between The World Wars
Psychology In Europe Between The World Wars
The Golden Age Of American Psychology
Internationalization And Indigenization Of Psychology Afterworld War II
Feminism And American Psychology: The Science And Politics Of Gender
Inclusiveness, Identity, And Conflict In Late 20th-Century American Psychology
Brain, Behavior, And Cognition Since 1945
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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