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Hole's Live Through This

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-12-18
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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Courtney Love has never been less than notorious. Her intelligence, ambition and appetite for confrontation have made her a target in a music industry still dominated by men. As Kurt Cobain's wife she was derided as an opportunistic groupie; as his widow she is pitied, and scorned, as the madwoman in rock's attic. Yet Hole's second album, Live Through This, awoke a feminist consciousness in a generation of young listeners.

Live Through This arrived in 1994, at a tumultuous point in the history of American music. Three years earlier Nirvana's Nevermind had broken open the punk underground, and the first issue of a zine called Riot Grrrl had been published. Hole were of this context and yet outside of it: too famous for the strict punk ethics of riotgrrrl, too explicitly feminist to be the world's biggest rock band.

Live Through This is an album about girlhood and motherhood; desire and disgust; self-destruction and survival. There have been few rock albums before or since so intimately concerned with female experience. It is an album that changed lives – so why is Courtney Love's achievement as a songwriter and musician still not taken seriously, two decades on?

Author Biography

Anwyn Crawford is a writer and visual artist from Australia. Her essays on music, film and feminism have appeared in several publications, including Frieze, Loops: Writing Music, Sound On Film and Overland.

Table of Contents

1. Miss World
2. Asking For It
3. Credit In The Straight World
4. Softer, Softest
5. I Think That I Would Die
6. Rock Star

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