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How to Buy a Gorilla The Ultimate Guide to Selecting, Paying and Working with Agencies for more Powerful Advertising

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-03-15
  • Publisher: LID Publishing

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Supplemental Materials

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How to buy a gorilla presents a new agency relationship paradigm for marketers to get better-value advertising ideas from their agencies. In this book, David Meikle examines the existing paradigms of the working and commercial relationships between marketing, procurement and agencies, and offers a new approach to how they can collaborate in more trusting, more productive, and more effective ways. This is a well-informed exploration of the eternal triangle of marketing, agency and procurement, and will provide valuable guidance and insights to anyone involved in the purchase, management or creation of advertising.

Author Biography

David Meikle is a business and marketing consultant and strategist. Before founding Salt Partners in 2009, he was a senior executive in two of the biggest global advertising groups, Grey Worldwide and Olgivy. David lives in the United Kingdom.

Supplemental Materials

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