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Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: eBook
  • Copyright: 2008-04-01
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
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List Price: $94.95
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Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual offers a hands-on, state-of-the-art introduction to modern molecular biology techniques as applied to human genome analysis. In eight unique experiments, simple step-by-step instructions guide students through the basic principles of molecular biology and the latest laboratory techniques. This laboratory manual's distinctive focus on human molecular biology provides students with the opportunity to analyze and study their own genes while gaining real laboratory experience. A Background section highlighting the theoretical principles for each experiment. Safety Precautions. Technical Tips. Expected Results. Simple icons indicating tube orientation in centrifuge. Experiment Flow Charts Spiral bound for easy lab use

Table of Contents

Preparation of Human Genomic DNA
DNA Fingerprinting - Multi-Locus Analysis
DNA Fingerprinting - Single Locus Analysis
Out of Africa - Origin of Modern Humans
DNA Sequencing
Computer Analysis of Sequencing Data
Determination of Human Telomere Length
RT-PCR of Human Gene
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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