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I Hate Democrats / I Hate Republicans

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-10-30
  • Publisher: Post Hill Pr

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In a time where people are trying to figure out who’s right and wrong in politics, here’s a book brave enough to say that everyone is wrong.

I Hate Democrats/I Hate Republicans is a different kind of political commentary.

Tim Young uses his trademark snark and outrageous personal stories to break down how both parties have their failings, and how our political system has been tainted by bias from all sides. He then engages you, the reader, in the hopes that you’ll understand that the ultimate check and balance on our American political system is to first, check yourself.

In this funny, intellectual, and controversial book, Young challenges you to open your mind to perspectives that you have previously written off, and admit as he has that at times, you yourself are outright wrong!

Author Biography

Tim Young is a hilarious comedian who’s made a career with his biting take on politics and media.

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