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Ideology, Crime and Criminal Justice

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2002-07-01
  • Publisher: Willan

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In wide-ranging chapters, the contributors -- all leading scholars of crime and criminal justice -- debate some of the central issues of ideology, crime and criminal justice, including morality and policing. Two of the chapters focus on the history of criminal justice. Clive Emsley, in a major historiographical essay, examines the history of British policing, situating this within a broader European perspective. Sean McConville explores the contours of criminal justice history, focussing on the experience of Irish political prisoners and how they tested the limits of the criminal justice system in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.A second major theme is the history and development and criminological thought. David Garland looks at the ideas expressed in Radzinowicz's Ideology and Crime, considers their salience in the context of the beginning of the twenty-first century, and tests them against the development of criminological thought over the last thirty years. Anthony Bottoms writes on the relations between crime and morality, the reasons why people comply with law, and examines the public policy issues arising from this debate.A third theme is criminal justice policy. Alison Liebling traces the history of dispersal prisons for high security prisoners, while Roger Hood analyses the vexing question of the influence of systematoic criminological knowledge on policy, and the dilemmas this has generated.These chapters were originally presented as papers at the Radzinowicz Commemoration Symposium convened in Cambridge in March 2001. The book is offered as a tribute to the founding Director of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge, who was also the first professor of criminology to be appointed in any British university.

Author Biography

Sir Anthony Bottoms, previously Director of the Institute of Criminology, is Wolfson Professor of Criminology, University of Cambridge Clive Emsley is Professor of History at the Open University David Garland is Professor of Law and Sociology at New York University Law School Roger Hood is Professor of Criminology and Director of the Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford Dr Alison Liebling is University Lecturer in Criminology, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, and Director of the Institute's Prisons Research Centre Sean McConville is Professor of Criminal Justice at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London Michael Tonry is Professor of Law and Public Policy and Director of the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, and Sonosky Professor of Law and Public Policy, University of Minnesota

Table of Contents

List of contributorsp. vii
Prefacep. ix
Sir Leon Radzinowicz: an appreciationp. xiii
Portrait of Sir Leon Radzinowiczp. xiii
Recollections of Sir Leon Radzinowiczp. xix
Ideology and crime: a further chapterp. 3
Morality, crime, compliance and public policyp. 20
Gentlemen convicts, Dynamitards and paramilitaries: the limits of criminal justicep. 55
The English police: a unique development?p. 74
A 'liberal regime within a secure perimeter'?: dispersal prisons and penal practice in the late twentieth centuryp. 97
Research and Policy
Criminology and penal policy: the vital role of empirical researchp. 153
Sir Leon Radzinowicz: a bibliographyp. 173
Indexp. 179
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