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The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2016-03-29
  • Publisher: Ten Speed Press

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New York Times bestseller • An artfully playful collection of unexpected and remarkable facts about animals, illustrated by Swedish artist Maja Säfström.

Did you know that an octopus has three hearts?
Or that ostriches can't walk backward?
Or that a group of owls is called a parliament, or that they have three eyelids?

Sea otters hold hands in their sleep, bees never sleep, and penguins laugh when they're tickled!

This charming compendium contains over 100 pages of fascinating facts about the animal kingdom illustrated with whimsical detail.

Author Biography

MAJA SÄFSTRÖM is a Stockholm based architect and illustrator who has gained international recognition for her quirky animal drawings. For more of her works, visit: www.majasbok.se

Supplemental Materials

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