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The Importance of Being Rational

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: eBook
  • Copyright: 2018-07-18
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Author Biography

Errol Lord, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennslyvania

Errol Lord is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. He works in ethical theory, epistemology, the philosophy of action, and aesthetics. He has published papers in Mind, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Oxford Studies in Metaethics, and British Journal of Aesthetics, among other places. He co-edited Weighing Reasons (OUP, 2016) with Barry Maguire.

Table of Contents

Part I: Initial Motivations
1. Introduction
2. The Coherent and the Rational
Part II: Possessing Reasons
3. Possession: The Epistemic Condition
4. Possession: The Practical Condition
Part III: Correctly Responding to Reasons
5. Correctly Responding to Reasons
6. Achievements and Intelligibility
Part IV: Two Problems Solved
7. Defeating the Externalist's Demons
8. What you're Rationally Required to Do and What you Ought to Do

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