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The Intemperate Engineer: Isambard Kingdom Brunel in His Own Words

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2011-05-30
  • Publisher: Ian Allen Pub

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Isambard Kingdom Brunel is a huge name in British engineering history, his legacy reaching almost legendary proportions. Brunel's designs revolutionized public transport and modern engineering, and although his projects were not always successful, they often contained innovative solutions to long-standing engineering problems. During his short career, Brunel not only created the Great Western Railway and constructed numerous important bridges and tunnels, but he achieved many engineering first', including assisting in the building of the first tunnel under a navigable river and development of SS Great Britain, the first propeller-driven ocean-going iron ship, which was at the time the largest ship ever built. Although much has been written about the great man, this new book takes a unique angle and looks in depth at his letters and writings, revealing much about the real person. The author aims to make readers feel that they are standing next to Brunel as he works at his desk.

Table of Contents

Author's Notep. 6
Early Days: 'Our young man'p. 7
The Great Western Railway: 'Promoting my skeme'p. 24
Broad Gauge: 'A deviation from the dimensions adopted'p. 41
Track-laying: 'I conceive I have effected an improvement'p. 57
Rails: 'We shall get a beautiful straight rail'p. 67
Locomotives and Carriages: 'We go regularly now at 30 to 35 miles per hour'p. 80
Civil Engineering: 'I fear we are every day in greater difficulties'p. 135
Personal Relationships: 'I am not a habitual fault finder'p. 186
Navvies: 'The ordinary operation of supply and demand'p. 208
The Daily Grind: 'Engaged in consultation and Committees...'p. 228
The Atmospheric Railway: 'A good and economical mode of applying stationary power'p. 233
Charles Saunders: 'Your exceeding kindness in relieving me of everything you possibly can'p. 247
Indexp. 280
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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