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International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook

by ; ; ;
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  • Format: eBook
  • Copyright: 2008-11-01
  • Publisher: Wiley
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To enhance your understanding of the tools and techniques presented in International Financial Statement Analysis, pick up the International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook. This companion study guide contains carefully constructed problems with detailed solutions as well as concise learning outcome statements and summary chapter overviews. With this Workbook, you can test your understanding of the many issues associated with this discipline, before putting them to use in real-world situations. If you intend on acquiring a practical mastery of international financial statement analysis, this informative guide can help you succeed.

Table of Contents

PART I: Learning Outcomes, Summary Overview, and Problems.CHAPTER 1: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction.CHAPTER 2: Financial Reporting Mechanics.CHAPTER 3: Financial Reporting Standards.CHAPTER 4: Understanding the Income Statement.CHAPTER 5: Understanding the Balance Sheet.CHAPTER 6: Understanding the Cash Flow Statement.CHAPTER 7: Financial Analysis Techniques.CHAPTER 8: International Standards Convergence.CHAPTER 9: Financial Statement Analysis: Applications.CHAPTER 10: Inventories.CHAPTER 11: Long-Lived Assets.CHAPTER 12: Income Taxes.CHAPTER 13: Long-Term Liabilities And Leases.CHAPTER 14: Employee Compensation: Postretirement And Share-Based.CHAPTER 15: Intercorporate Investments.CHAPTER 16: Multinational Operations.CHAPTER 17: Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality.PART II: Solutions.CHAPTER 1: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction.CHAPTER 2: Financial Reporting Mechanics.CHAPTER 3: Financial Reporting Standards.CHAPTER 4: Understanding the Income Statement.CHAPTER 5: Understanding the Balance Sheet.CHAPTER 6: Understanding the Cash Flow Statement.CHAPTER 7: Financial Analysis Techniques.CHAPTER 8: International Standards Convergence.CHAPTER 9: Financial Statement Analysis: Applications.CHAPTER 10: Inventories.CHAPTER 11: Long-Lived Assets.CHAPTER 12: Income Taxes.CHAPTER 13: Long-Term Liabilities And Leases.CHAPTER 14: Employee Compensation: Postretirement And Share-Based.CHAPTER 15: Intercorporate Investments.CHAPTER 16: Multinational Operations.CHAPTER 17: Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality.About the CFA Program.

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