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Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 6th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-05-22
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationshipsprovides comprehensive coverage of the field in the context of developing relationships.Grounded in both contemporary and classic scholarship, the experienced author team engages the reader through an abundance of relatable stories, accessible writing, and the thoughtful application of interpersonal communication research to everyday life. Focusing on communicationrs"s role in the growth and decay of human relationships, this text introduces interpersonal communication principles and theories through the use of common experiences.Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationshipsaims to motivate readers to critically think about their own relational communication and those of others, and to peak interest and affinity for future social science research. A market leader for over twenty years, this Sixth Edition retains its classic features including the citations of the most current research from communication and social psychology; thorough coverage of dialogue, speech, and interaction patterns; true stories, executive summary boxes, cartoons, and diagnostic tests.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Human Communication in Developing Relationshipsp. 1
Communication: The Lifeblood of Relationshipsp. 2
Relationship Messagesp. 4
Five Important Misconceptions About Communication in Relationshipsp. 8
How Communication Changes as Our Relationships Developp. 14
Dimensions of Communication: Patterns and Variationsp. 20
Summaryp. 24
Selected Readingsp. 25
Notesp. 28
Stages of Coming Together and Coming Apartp. 30
Types of Relationshipsp. 31
A Model of Interaction Stages in Relationshipsp. 33
Interaction Stagesp. 37
Movement: In, Out, and Around Stagesp. 47
Summaryp. 59
Selected Readingp. 60
Notesp. 64
Factors Affecting Human Communication Behavior in Relationshipsp. 69
The Nature of the Communicatorsp. 70
The Influence of Interpersonal Needsp. 71
The Role of Interpersonal Needsp. 76
Analyzing Our Own Needs and Those of Othersp. 79
Interpersonal Needs Across the Lifespanp. 80
Interpersonal Needs of Females and Malesp. 89
Summaryp. 94
Selected Readingsp. 95
Notesp. 98
The Communication Environment: Cultural and Physicalp. 103
The Influence of the Cultural Environmentp. 105
The Influence of the Immediate Physical Environment or Settingp. 120
Summaryp. 128
Selected Readingsp. 130
Notesp. 132
Interaction Patterns for Coming Togetherp. 137
The Genesis of Dialoguep. 138
Getting Togetherp. 139
Sizing Up the Other Personp. 143
The Many Faces of Attractionp. 156
Summaryp. 166
Selected Readingsp. 167
Notesp. 169
Interaction Ritualsp. 175
Communication Rulesp. 176
The Rhetoric of Hellop. 183
Forms of Addressp. 188
Relationship "Openers"p. 191
Small(?) Talkp. 197
Summaryp. 205
Selected Readingsp. 206
Notesp. 208
The Foundations of Intimate Dialoguep. 213
Types of Lovep. 215
Liking Versus Lovingp. 222
Intimacy and Close Relationshipsp. 227
Foundations of Intimacyp. 229
Summaryp. 243
Selected Readingsp. 244
Notesp. 246
Interaction Patterns and the Maintenance of Relationshipsp. 251
Maintaining Relationships Through Dialogue: Disclosures, Lies, and Fightsp. 252
Relationship Maintenancep. 253
Self-Disclosure, Confidentiality, and Trustp. 254
Lyingp. 263
Constructive Conflictp. 271
Summaryp. 281
Selected Readingsp. 282
Notesp. 286
Maintaining Relationships Through Dialogue: Commitment and Intimacyp. 294
Commitment and Commitment Talkp. 295
Personal Idiomsp. 305
Giving Compliments and Giftsp. 308
Giving Comfort and Advicep. 310
Persuasionp. 313
Sex Talkp. 316
Intimate Playp. 319
Intimacy Without Wordsp. 320
Summaryp. 325
Selected Readingsp. 327
Notesp. 330
Interaction Patterns for Coming Apartp. 335
Communication and the Process of Relationship Disengagementp. 336
Terminating Relationshipsp. 337
Communication During Relationship Decay: Return of the Strangerp. 351
Summaryp. 361
Selected Readingsp. 362
Notesp. 364
The Dialogue of Distance and De-escalationp. 369
Some Potentially Destructive Patterns of Communication: An Interpersonal Chamber of Horrorsp. 371
Summaryp. 394
Selected Readingsp. 395
Notesp. 398
Toward More Effective Communication in Relationshipsp. 401
Evaluating and Developing Effective Communication in Relationshipsp. 402
The Relativity of Effective Communicationp. 405
Perceptions of Effective Communicationp. 413
Rx for Effective Communicationp. 415
Becoming an Effective Communicatorp. 422
Writing Your Own Storyp. 425
Communicating Effectively Togetherp. 427
Summaryp. 429
Selected Readingsp. 430
Notesp. 432
Author Indexp. 436
Subject Indexp. 446
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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