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Intervention and State Sovereignty in Central Europe, 1500-1780

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2023-03-15
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Author Biography

Patrick Milton, independent scholar,

Patrick Milton is the co-author of the book Towards a Westphalia for the Middle East (2018, with Michael Axworthy and Brendan Simms). He has written for several publications, including The English Historical Review, Foreign Affairs, German History, European History Quarterly, The New Statesman, Journal of the History of International Law, and Central European History. He studied ,researched and taught history and international relations at Warwick, Mainz, Berlin, and Cambridge, where he was a Research Fellow after receiving his PhD.

Table of Contents

1. Legal foundations: Imperial constitutional law and the Law of Nations and Nature
PART ONE. European Interventions in Central Europe
2. Interventions in central Europe I: c.1500-1618
3. Interventions in central Europe II: 1618-1645
4. Guarantees and interventions: European powers and the Empire, 1645-1780
PART TWO. Intervention as Judicial Execution within the Holy Roman Empire
5. Intervention in defence of mediate subjects: the smallest territories, c.1500-1780
6. Intervention in small principalities: the case of Nassau-Siegen, 1699-c.1724
7. Intervention in medium-sized principalities: the case of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1713-1730

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