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Into the Hidden World

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2024-09-17
  • Publisher: Little Simon

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Supplemental Materials

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In the fifth installment of the action-packed Guardians of Horsa graphic novel series, the world of Horsa is turned upside down to reveal a dangerous new secret.

The Guardians never dreamed that there was more to Horsa than their four realms. But when a hidden world reveals itself on the back of the map, they are thrown into a strange land filled with Ice Horses, Gem Horses, and mountains that move. Can the Guardians face the whole new world that has been hiding right under their hooves?

Author Biography

Roan Black grew up with a team of horses, which continues to serve as inspiration for the Guardians of Horsa. When not riding, you can find Roan exploring the countryside in search of new adventures.

Supplemental Materials

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