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Introduction to Electric Circuits

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 9th
  • Format: Loose-leaf
  • Copyright: 2013-03-11
  • Publisher: Wiley

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Known for its clear problem-solving methodology and it emphasis on design, as well as the quality and quantity of its problem sets, Introduction to Electric Circuits, Ninth Edition by Dorf and Svoboda will help readers to think like engineers. Abundant design examples, design problems, and the How Can We Check feature illustrate the texts focus on design. The 9th edition continues the expanded use of problem-solving software such as PSpice and MATLAB. 

Author Biography

James A. Svoboda is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Clarkson University where he teaches courses on topics such as circuits electronics, and computer programming. He earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and M.S. from the University of Colorado, and a B. S. from General Motors Institute.
Sophomore Circuits is one of Professor Svoboda's favorite courses. He has taught this course to 2500 undergraduates at Clarkson University over the past 21 years. In 1996, he received Clarkson University's Distinguished Teaching Award.
Professor Svoboda has written several research papers describing the advantages of  using nullors to model electric circuits for computer analysis. He is interested in the way technology affects engineering education and has developed several software packages for use in Sophomore Circuits.

Richard C. Dorf professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Davis, teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in electrical engineering in the fields of circuits and control systems. He earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, an M.S. from the University of Colorado and a B.S. from Clarkson University. Highly concerned with the discipline of electrical engineering and its wide value to social and economic needs, he has written and lectured internationally on the contributions and advances in electrical engineering.
Professor Dorf has extensive experience with education and industry and its professionally active in the fields of robotics, automation, electric circuits, and communications. He has served as a visiting professor at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland; The Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Stanford University; of California, Berkeley.
A Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Dr. Dorf is widely known to the profession for his Modern Control Systems, Eighth Edition (Addison-Wesley, 1998) and The International Encyclopedia of Robotics (Wiley 1988). Dr. Dorf is also the coauthor of Circuits, Devices and Systems (with Ralph Smith), Fifth Edition (Wiley, 1992). Dr. Dorf edited the widely used Electrical Engineering Handbook, Second Edition (CRC Press and IEEE Press) published in 1997.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Electric Circuit Variables 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Electric Circuits and Current 1

1.3 Systems of Units 5

1.4 Voltage 7

1.5 Power and Energy 7

1.6 Circuit Analysis and Design 11

1.7 How Can We Check ? 13

1.8 Design Example—Jet Valve Controller 14

1.9 Summary 15

Problems 15

Design Problems 19

Chapter 2 Circuit Elements 20

2.1 Introduction 20

2.2 Engineering and Linear Models 20

2.3 Active and Passive Circuit Elements 23

2.4 Resistors 25

2.5 Independent Sources 28

2.6 Voltmeters and Ammeters 30

2.7 Dependent Sources 33

2.8 Transducers 37

2.9 Switches 39

2.10 How Can We Check ? 40

2.11 Design Example—Temperature Sensor 42

2.12 Summary 44

Problems 44

Design Problems 52

Chapter 3 Resistive Circuits 53

3.1 Introduction 53

3.2 Kirchhoff's Laws 54

3.3 Series Resistors and Voltage Division 63

3.4 Parallel Resistors and Current Division 68

3.5 Series Voltage Sources and Parallel Current Sources 74

3.6 Circuit Analysis 77

3.7 Analyzing Resistive Circuits Using MATLAB 82

3.8 How Can We Check ? 86

3.9 Design Example—Adjustable Voltage Source 88

3.10 Summary 91

Problems 92

Design Problems 112

Chapter 4 Methods of Analysis of Resistive Circuits 114

4.1 Introduction 114

4.2 Node Voltage Analysis of Circuits with Current Sources 115

4.3 Node Voltage Analysis of Circuits with Current and Voltage Sources 121

4.4 Node Voltage Analysis with Dependent Sources 126

4.5 Mesh Current Analysis with Independent Voltage Sources 128

4.6 Mesh Current Analysis with Current and Voltage Sources 133

4.7 Mesh Current Analysis with Dependent Sources 137

4.8 The Node Voltage Method and Mesh Current Method Compared 139

4.9 Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB 142

4.10 Using PSpice to Determine Node Voltages and Mesh Currents 144

4.11 How Can We Check ? 146

4.12 Design Example—Potentiometer Angle Display 149

4.13 Summary 152

Problems 153

PSpice Problems 167

Design Problems 167

Chapter 5 Circuit Theorems 169

5.1 Introduction 169

5.2 Source Transformations 169

5.3 Superposition 176

5.4 Thévenin’s Theorem 180

5.5 Norton’s Equivalent Circuit 187

5.6 Maximum Power Transfer 191

5.7 Using MATLAB to Determine the Thévenin Equivalent Circuit 194

5.8 Using PSpice to Determine the Thévenin Equivalent Circuit 197

5.9 How Can We Check ? 200

5.10 Design Example—Strain Gauge Bridge 201

5.11 Summary 203

Problems 204

PSpice Problems 216

Design Problems 217

Chapter 6 The Operational Amplifier 219

6.1 Introduction 219

6.2 The Operational Amplifier 219

6.3 The Ideal Operational Amplifier 221

6.4 Nodal Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal Operational Amplifiers 223

6.5 Design Using Operational Amplifiers 228

6.6 Operational Amplifier Circuits and Linear Algebraic Equations 233

6.7 Characteristics of Practical Operational Amplifiers 238

6.8 Analysis of Op Amp Circuits Using MATLAB 245

6.9 Using PSpice to Analyze Op Amp Circuits 247

6.10 How Can We Check ? 248

6.11 Design Example—Transducer Interface Circuit 250

6.12 Summary 252

Problems 253

PSpice Problems 265

Design Problems 267

Chapter 7 Energy Storage Elements 268

7.1 Introduction 268

7.2 Capacitors 269

7.3 Energy Storage in a Capacitor 275

7.4 Series and Parallel Capacitors 278

7.5 Inductors 280

7.6 Energy Storage in an Inductor 285

7.7 Series and Parallel Inductors 287

7.8 Initial Conditions of Switched Circuits 288

7.9 Operational Amplifier Circuits and Linear Differential Equations 292

7.10 Using MATLAB to Plot Capacitor or Inductor Voltage and Current 298

7.11 How Can We Check ? 300

7.12 Design Example—Integrator and Switch 301

7.13 Summary 304

Problems 305

Design Problems 321

Chapter 8 The Complete Response of RL and RC Circuits 322

8.1 Introduction 322

8.2 First-Order Circuits 322

8.3 The Response of a First-Order Circuit to a Constant Input 325

8.4 Sequential Switching 338

8.5 Stability of First-Order Circuits 340

8.6 The Unit Step Source 342

8.7 The Response of a First-Order Circuit to a Nonconstant Source 346

8.8 Differential Operators 351

8.9 Using PSpice to Analyze First-Order Circuits 352

8.10 How Can We Check ? 355

8.11 Design Example—A Computer and Printer 359

8.12 Summary 362

Problems 363

PSpice Problems 374

Design Problems 375

Chapter 9 The Complete Response of Circuits with Two Energy Storage Elements 378

9.1 Introduction 378

9.2 Differential Equation for Circuits with Two Energy Storage Elements 379

9.3 Solution of the Second-Order Differential Equation—The Natural Response 383

9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit 386

9.5 Natural Response of the Critically Damped Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit 389

9.6 Natural Response of an Underdamped Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit 390

9.7 Forced Response of an RLC Circuit 392

9.8 Complete Response of an RLC Circuit 396

9.9 State Variable Approach to Circuit Analysis 399

9.10 Roots in the Complex Plane 403

9.11 How Can We Check ? 404

9.12 Design Example—Auto Airbag Igniter 407

9.13 Summary 409

Problems 411

PSpice Problems 422

Design Problems 423

Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 425

10.1 Introduction 425

10.2 Sinusoidal Sources 426

10.3 Phasors and Sinusoids 430

10.4 Impedances 435

10.5 Series and Parallel Impedances 440

10.6 Mesh and Node Equations 447

10.7 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 454

10.8 Superposition 459

10.9 Phasor Diagrams 461

10.10 Op Amps in AC Circuits 463

10.11 The Complete Response 465

10.12 Using MATLAB to Analyze AC Circuits 472

10.13 Using PSpice to Analyze AC Circuits 474

10.14 How Can We Check ? 476

10.15 Design Example—An Op Amp Circuit 479

10.16 Summary 481

Problems 482

PSpice Problems 502

Design Problems 503

Chapter 11 AC Steady-State Power 504

11.1 Introduction 504

11.2 Electric Power 504

11.3 Instantaneous Power and Average Power 505

11.4 Effective Value of a Periodic Waveform 509

11.5 Complex Power 512

11.6 Power Factor 519

11.7 The Power Superposition Principle 527

11.8 The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem 530

11.9 Coupled Inductors 531

11.10 The Ideal Transformer 539

11.11 How Can We Check ? 546

11.12 Design Example—Maximum Power Transfer 547

11.13 Summary 549

Problems 551

PSpice Problems 566

Design Problems 567

Chapter 12 Three-Phase Circuits 568

12.1 Introduction 568

12.2 Three-Phase Voltages 569

12.3 The Y-to-Y Circuit 572

12.4 The Δ-Connected Source and Load 581

12.5 The Y-to-Δ Circuit 583

12.6 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 586

12.7 Instantaneous and Average Power in a Balanced Three-Phase Load 588

12.8 Two-Wattmeter Power Measurement 591

12.9 How Can We Check ? 594

12.10 Design Example—Power Factor Correction 597

12.11 Summary 598

Problems 599

PSpice Problems 602

Design Problems 603

Chapter 13 Frequency Response 604

13.1 Introduction 604

13.2 Gain, Phase Shift, and the Network Function 604

13.3 Bode Plots 616

13.4 Resonant Circuits 633

13.5 Frequency Response of Op Amp Circuits 640

13.6 Plotting Bode Plots Using MATLAB 642

13.7 Using PSpice to Plot a Frequency Response 644

13.8 How Can We Check ? 646

13.9 Design Example—Radio Tuner 650

13.10 Summary 652

Problems 653

PSpice Problems 666

Design Problems 668

Chapter 14 The Laplace Transform 670

14.1 Introduction 670

14.2 Laplace Transform 671

14.3 Pulse Inputs 677

14.4 Inverse Laplace Transform 680

14.5 Initial and Final Value Theorems 687

14.6 Solution of Differential Equations Describing a Circuit 689

14.7 Circuit Analysis Using Impedance and Initial Conditions 690

14.8 Transfer Function and Impedance 700

14.9 Convolution 706

14.10 Stability 710

14.11 Partial Fraction Expansion Using MATLAB 713

14.12 How Can We Check ? 718

14.13 Design Example—Space Shuttle Cargo Door 720

14.14 Summary 723

Problems 724

PSpice Problems 738

Design Problems 739

Chapter 15 Fourier Series and Fourier Transform 741

15.1 Introduction 741

15.2 The Fourier Series 741

15.3 Symmetry of the Function f(t) 750

15.4 Fourier Series of Selected Waveforms 755

15.5 Exponential Form of the Fourier Series 757

15.6 The Fourier Spectrum 765

15.7 Circuits and Fourier Series 769

15.8 Using PSpice to Determine the Fourier Series 772

15.9 The Fourier Transform 777

15.10 Fourier Transform Properties 780

15.11 The Spectrum of Signals 784

15.12 Convolution and Circuit Response 785

15.13 The Fourier Transform and the Laplace Transform 788

15.14 How Can We Check ? 790

15.15 Design Example—DC Power Supply 792

15.16 Summary 795

Problems 796

PSpice Problems 802

Design Problems 802

Chapter 16 Filter Circuits 804

16.1 Introduction 804

16.2 The Electric Filter 804

16.3 Filters 805

16.4 Second-Order Filters 808

16.5 High-Order Filters 816

16.6 Simulating Filter Circuits Using PSpice 822

16.7 How Can We Check ? 826

16.8 Design Example—Anti-Aliasing Filter 828

16.9 Summary 831

Problems 831

PSpice Problems 836

Design Problems 839

Chapter 17 Two-Port and Three-Port Networks 840

17.1 Introduction 840

17.2 T-to-P Transformation and Two-Port Three-Terminal Networks 841

17.3 Equations of Two-Port Networks 843

17.4 Z and Y Parameters for a Circuit with Dependent Sources 846

17.5 Hybrid and Transmission Parameters 848

17.6 Relationships Between Two-Port Parameters 850

17.7 Interconnection of Two-Port Networks 852

17.8 How Can We Check ? 855

17.9 Design Example—Transistor Amplifier 857

17.10 Summary 859

Problems 859

Design Problems 863

Appendix A Getting Started with PSpice 865

Appendix B MATLAB, Matrices, and Complex Arithmetic 873

Appendix C Mathematical Formulas 885

Appendix D Standard Resistor Color Code 889

References 891

Index 893

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