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Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Approaches

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-02-15
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Women's and Gender Studies departments and programs are undergoing rapid transformation, creating the need for a comprehensive and accessible introductory textbook that addresses the current state of the field. Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Approaches is the first text to reflect the exciting changes taking place in this field. Emphasizing both interdisciplinarity and intersectionality, this innovative mix of anthology and textbook includes key primary historical sources, debates on contemporary issues, and recent work in science, technology, and digital cultures. Readings from a range of genres-including poetry, short stories, op-eds, and feminist magazine articles-complement the scholarly selections and acknowledge the roots of creative and personal expression in the field. While the majority of selections are foundational texts, the book also integrates new work from established scholars and emerging voices to expand current debates in the field. The text is enhanced by thorough overviews that begin each section, robust and engaging pedagogy that encourages students to think critically and self-reflexively-and also to take action-as well as supplemental online resources for instructors.

Author Biography

L. Ayu Saraswati is Associate Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.

Barbara Shaw is Assistant Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Allegheny College.

Heather Rellihan is Professor and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Studies at Anne Arundel Community College.

Table of Contents


Section I: Mapping the Field: An Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Reading 1: bell hooks, Feminist Politics
Reading 2: Allan Johnson, Patriarchy, the System: an It, Not a He, a Them, or an Us
Reading 3: Anne Fausto-Sterling, The Five Sexes Revisited
Reading 4: Ijeoma A., Because I'm a Girl
Reading 5: C.J. Pascoe, Making Masculinity
Reading 6: Judith Gardiner, Friendships, Gender Theory, and Social Change
Reading 7: Paisley Currah, Stepping Back and Looking Outward: Situating Transgender Activism and Transgender Studies
Reading 8: Marilyn Frye, Oppression
Reading 9: Peggy McIntosh, White Privilege, Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Reading 10: Audre Lorde, There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions
Reading 11: Ashley Currier and Thérèse Migraine-George, Queer/African Identities: Questions, Limits, Challenges
Reading 12: Soledad Caballero, Before Intersectionality
Reading 13: Michele Tracy Berger and Cheryl Radeloff, Claiming and Education: Your Inheritance as a Student of Women's and Gender Studies

Section II: Historical Perspectives in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Nineteenth Century
Reading 14: Angelina Emily Grimké, An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836)
Reading 15: The Declaration of Sentiments (1848)
Reading 16: Sojourner Truth, 1851 Speech
Reading 17: Susan B. Anthony, Sentencing Speech in the Case of United States vs. Susan B. Anthony
Reading 18: Ida B. Wells, A Red Record (1895)

Twentieth Century
Reading 19: Theresa Serber Malakiel, Diary of a Shirtwaist Striker (1909)
Reading 20: 141 Men and Girls Die in Waist Factory Fire (1911)
Reading 21: Daughters of Bilitis, Mission Statement (1956)
Reading 22: Dick Leitsch, Police Raid on N.Y. Club Sets off First Gay Riot (1969)
Reading 23: Pat Mainardi, The Politics of Housework (1970)
Reading 24: Anne Koedt, The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm (1970)
Reading 25: Radicalesbian, The Woman Identified Woman (1970)
Reading 26: Jo Carrillo, And When You Leave, Take Your Pictures With You (1983)
Reading 27: Chicago Gay Liberation Front, A Leaflet for the American Medical Association (1970)
Reading 28: The Combahee River Collective, A Black Feminist Statement (1977)
Reading 29: bell hooks, Men Comrades in Struggle (1984)
Reading 30: Gloria Anzaldúa, La Conciencia de la Mestiza/ Towards a New Consciousness (1987)
Reading 31: Angela Davis, Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex (1998)

Twenty-First Century
Reading 32: Jackson Katz, Guilty Pleasures: Pornography, Prostitution, and Stripping (2006)
Reading 33: Claire Moses, "What's in a Name" On Writing the History of Feminism (2012)
Reading 34: Tina Vasquez, It's Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women (2014)

Section III: Cultural Debates in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies


Re-Thinking the Family
Reading 35: Rebecca Fox-Barrett, Constraints and Freedoms in Conservative Christian Women's Lives
Reading 36: Jessica Birch, Love, Labor, and Lorde: The Tools My Grandmother Gave Me
Reading 37: Monisha Das Gupta, "Don't Deport Our Daddies": The Political Use of Families in the Fight against Deportation
Reading 38: Lisa Duggan, Beyond Same Sex Marriage: A New Strategic Vision for All Our Families and Relationships
Gender and Sexuality in the Labor Market
Reading 39: Marlene Kim, Policies to End the Gender Wage Gap in the United States
Reading 40: Dean Spade, Compliance is Gendered: Struggling for Gender Self-Determination in a Hostile Economy
Reading 41: Denise Brennan, Women Work, Men Sponge, and Everyone Gossips: Macho Men and Stigmatized/ing Women is a Sex Tourist Town

Reproductive Politics
Reading 42: Alexandra DelValle, From the Roots of Latina Feminism to the Future of the Reproductive Justice Movement
Reading 43: Kathy Ferguson, Whose Freedom? Birth Control and the Enduring Fight Over Our Bodies
Reading 44: Frances Winddance Twine, The Industrial Womb

Gendered Violence
Reading 45: Victoria Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, Wendy A. Walsh, Ellen S. Cohn, and Sally Ward, Friends of Survivors: The Community Impact of Unwanted Sexual Experiences
Reading 46: Brad Perry, Hooking Up with Healthy Sexuality: the Lessons Boys Learn (and Don't Learn) about Sexuality, and Why a Sex-Positive Rape Prevention Paradigm Can Benefit Everyone Involved
Reading 47: Beth Richie, A Black Feminist Reflection on the Antiviolence Movement
Reading 48: Joel Mogul, Andrea Ritchie, and Kat Whitlock, False Promises: Criminal Legal Responses to Violence against LGBT People
Reading 49: Isis Nusair, Making Feminist Sense of Torture at Abu-Ghraib

Popular Culture and Media Representations
Reading 50: Meda Chesney-Lind, Mean Girls, Bad Girls, or Just Girls
Reading 51: Esra Özcan, Who is a Muslim Woman?
Reading 52: Ian Capulet, With Reps Like These: Bisexuality and Celebrity Status

Section IV: Epistemologies of Bodies: Ways of Knowing and Experiencing the World


Reading 53: Janet Mock, from Redefining Realness
Reading 54: Riki Wilchins, Angry Intersex People With Signs!
Reading 55: No'U Revilla, How to Use a Condom
Reading 56: Tagi Qolouvaki, stories she sung me
Reading 57: Brenda Jo Brueggemann, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, and Georgina Kleege, What Her Body Taught (or, Teaching About and With A Disability): A Conversation
Reading 58: Aleicha Williams, Too Latina to be Black, Too Black to Be Latina
Reading 59: Dominique C. Hill, (My) Lesbianism Is Not a Fixed Point
Reading 60: Patricia A. Gozemba, The Last Word: A Performance Memoir on Mothers, Race, and Sexuality
Reading 61: Eunjung Kim, How Much Sex is Healthy: The Pleasures of Asexuality
Reading 62: Gloria Steinem, If Men Could Menstruate
Reading 63: L. Ayu Saraswati, Cosmopolitan Whiteness: The Effects and Affects of Skin Whitening Advertisements in Transnational Indonesia
Reading 64: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, from Americanah
Reading 65: Susan Bordo, Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body
Reading 66: Don Sabo, Doing Time, Doing Masculinity: Sports and Prisons
Reading 67: Kimberly Dark, Big Yoga Student
Reading 68: Christina Lux, anticipation

Section V: Science, Technology, and the Digital World


Reading 69: Sandra Harding, Feminism Confronts the Sciences: Reform and Transformation
Reading 70: Emily Martin, The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles
Reading 71: Liam Lair, Sexology, Eugenics, and Hirschfeld's Transvestites
Reading 72: Clare Jen, Feminist Hactivisms: Countering Technophilia and Fictional Promises
Reading 73: Joni Seager, Rachel Carson Died of Breast Cancer: The Coming of Age of Feminist Environmentalism
Reading 74: Wendy Seymour, Putting Myself in the Picture: Researching Disability and Technology
Reading 75: Kimberly A. Williams, Women@Web: Cyber Sexual Violence in Canada
Reading 76: Jason Whitesel, Gay Men's Use of Online Pictures in Fat-Affirming Groups
Reading 77: Farida Vis, Liesbet van Zoonen, and Sabina Mihelj, Women Responding to the Anti-Islam Fitna: Voices and Acts of Citizenship on YouTube
Reading 78: Aliette de Bodard, Immersion

Section VI: Activist Frontiers: Agency and Resistance


Reading 79: Lila Abu-Lughod, Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others
Reading 80: Beenash Jafri, Not Your Indian Eco-Princess: Indigenous Women's Resistance to Environmental Degradation
Reading 81: Elizabeth Cole and Zakiya Luna, Making Coalitions Work: Solidarity across Difference within US Feminism
Reading 82: DaMaris B. Hill, Concrete
Reading 83: Melanie Fey, Amber McCrary, and Bradly Werley, Empower Yoself Before You Wreck Yoself: Native American Feminist Musings
Reading 84: Hannah Britton and Taylor Price, "If Good Food is Cooked in One Country, We Will All Eat From It": Women and Civil Society in Africa
Reading 85: Michael Winter, I Was There
Reading 86: Sarah Fryett, Laudable Laughter: Feminism and Stand-Up Comedy
Reading 87: Guerrilla Girls, When Sexism and Racism Are No Longer Fashionable
Reading 88: Kathleen Hanna/Bikini Kill, Riot Grrrl Manifesto
Reading 89: Julie Enszer, On Lesbian-Feminism and Lesbian Separatism: A New Intersectional History
Reading 90: Amber Vlasnik, Campus-Based Women's/Gender Centers: Enacting Feminist Theories, Creating Social Change

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