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Investigate Math: Grade 5 Open-Ended Math Problems to Develop Flexible Thinking Skills

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-03-01
  • Publisher: Scholastic Teaching Resources
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List Price: $11.99 Save up to $0.01
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There’s more to solving math problems than memorizing algorithms. The open-ended activities in this book encourage students to investigate math concepts and skills deeply by looking at problems from various angles. Students expand their understanding through the use of manipulatives or representational drawing as well as writing. Skills include numerical expressions, fractions, decimals, volume, geometry, and more.

Author Biography

Cindi Mitchell, author of the original Amazing Math Puzzles & Mazes: Grades 4–5, is a former teacher with more than 12 years experience teaching at the elementary level. She has written numerous activity books published by Scholastic Teaching Resources.

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