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Invitation to World Missions

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-01-25
  • Publisher: Kregel Academic & Professional

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This unique text is arranged in three parts according to the Trinity's roles, relationships, and activity. Tennent questions whether missions as currently conceptualized is adequate and he challenges the reader by building the book around key theological foundations such as "mission dei" and the "new creation" vision for the global church. This volume will call and enable the reader to understand how missions is biblically and theologically basic to Christianity, and how missions is essential to living out an abundant and impassioned life.

Author Biography

Timothy C. Tennent (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, Scotland) is president of Asbury Theological Seminary. He was professor of world missions and director of missions programs at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. The author of many academic articles on missions, he has written numerous books, including Theology in the Context of World Christianity and Christianity at the Religious Roundtable.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. 9
Acknowledgmentsp. 11
Megatrends That Are Shaping Twenty-first Century Missions
From Moratorium and Malaise to Selah and Rebirthp. 15
The Triune God and the Missio Dei
A Trinitarian, Missional Theologyp. 53
A Trinitarian Framework for Missionsp. 74
God the Father: The Providential Source and Goal of the Missio Dei
A Missional Perspective on the Bible
The God of Mission Reveals His Planp. 105
The Sending Father and the Sent Churchp. 125
Creation, Revelation} and the Human Response to God's Rule
A Trinitarian, "New Creation" Theology of Culturep. 159
An Evangelical Theology of Religionsp. 191
God the Son: The Redemptive Embodiment of the Missio Dei
Missions History as a Reflection of the Incarnation
Turning Points in the History of Missions before 1792p. 229
The "Great Century" of Missions, 1792-1910p. 255
The Flowering of World Christianity, 1910-Presentp. 284
Cross-Cultural Communication as a Reflection of the Incarnation
The Incarnation and the Translatability of the Gospelp. 323
Access and Reproducibility in Missions Strategyp. 354
Reflecting the Incarnation in Holistic Missionsp. 387
God the Holy spirit: The Empowering Presence of the Missio Dei
Empowering the Church to Embody the Presence of the Future
The Holy Spirit, the Book of Acts, and the Missio Deip. 409
The Church as the Embodiment of the New Creationp. 432
Missionaries as Agents of Suffering and Heralds of the New Creation
The Suffering, Advancing Churchp. 459
Conclusion: The Church as the Reflection of the Trinity in the Worldp. 485
Bibliographyp. 507
Scripture Indexp. 531
Subject Indexp. 543
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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