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iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life: 2011 Edition

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-01-06
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
  • View Upgraded Edition
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List Price: $94.50


McGraw-Hill conducted extensive market research with over 4,000 students to gain insight into their studying and buying behavior. Students told us they wanted more portable texts with innovative visual appeal and content that is designed according to the way they learn. We also surveyed instructors, and they told us they wanted a way to engage their students without compromising on high quality content.

Freedom of speech and public speaking are critical components of a healthy democracy. iSpeak promotes this declaration by using examples that reflect vital personal, social, and political themes that portray campus communities across the country. iSpeak consistently demonstrates that public communication is directly related to what people care about, what people want, and what people do.

New to iSpeak is Connect Public Speaking - a dynamic and powerful web-based learning management platform with the student experience at its core. Informed by extensive research conducted with both instructors and students, Connect is designed to help students earn better grades and save instructors valuable time, whether teaching a face to face, online, or hybrid course.

More current, more portable, more captivating, plus a rigorous and innovative research foundation adds up to: more learning. When you meet students where they are, you can take them where you want them to be.

Table of Contents

Part One: Preparing Your Presentations

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 2. Preparing Your First Presentation

Chapter 3. Selecting a Topic and Purpose

Chapter 4. Analyzing the Audience

Part Two: Selecting and Arranging Content

Chapter 5. Finding Information and Supporting Your Ideas

Chapter 6. Organizing and Outlining Your Presentation

Chapter 7. Delivering Speeches

Chapter 8. Choosing Your Words

Chapter 9. Visual Resources and Presentation Technology

Part Three: Types of Presentations

Chapter 10. Presenting to Inform

Chapter 11. Presenting Persuasive Messages

Chapter 12. Speaking on Special Occasions

Appendix A: Working and Presenting as a Group

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