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If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-08-02
  • Publisher: Wiley
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Reimagine the future of the internet

All our devices and gadgets—from our refrigerators to our home security systems, vacuum cleaners, and stereos—are going online, just like our computers did. But once we’ve successfully connected our devices to the internet, do we have any hope of keeping them, and ourselves, safe from the dangers that lurk beneath the digital waters?

In If It’s Smart, It’s Vulnerable, veteran cybersecurity professional Mikko Hypponen delivers an eye-opening exploration of the best—and worst—things the internet has given us. From instant connectivity between any two points on the globe to organized ransomware gangs, the net truly has been a mixed blessing. In this book, the author explores the transformative potential of the future of the internet, as well as those things that threaten its continued existence: government surveillance, censorship, organized crime, and more.

Readers will also find:

  • Insightful discussions of how law enforcement and intelligence agencies operate on the internet
  • Fulsome treatments of how money became data and the impact of the widespread use of mobile supercomputing technology
  • Explorations of how the internet has changed the world, for better and for worse
  • Engaging stories from Mikko's 30-year career in infosec

Perfect for anyone seeking a thought-provoking presentation of some of the most pressing issues in cybersecurity and technology, If It’s Smart, It’s Vulnerable will also earn a place in the libraries of anyone interested in the future of the internet.

Author Biography

MIKKO HYPPONEN is a global cyber security expert with over thirty years’ experience working as a researcher and investigator. He is a sought-after lecturer, and he was profiled in Vanity Fair. His TED Talk has been viewed more than 2 million times.

Table of Contents

Foreword: Jeff Moss xiii

Preface xvii

Saab 9000 Turbo xxi

The Good and the Bad of the Internet 1

Prehistoric Internet 2

The First Websites 5

Linux Is the World’s Most Important System 7

iPhone vs. Supercomputer 10

Online Communities 11

Money Is Data 13

Codes All Around Us 14

Geopolitics 17

Security Tetris 21

Who Are We Fighting? 24

Schoolboys 24

Spammer 26

Professional Cybercrime Groups 28

Extremists 29

The Rolex 30

Malware—Then, Now, and in the Near Future 33

The History of Malware 34

Viruses on Floppies 34

Brain.A 35

File Viruses 43

Macro Viruses 43

Email Worms 45

Internet Worms 46

The Virus Wars 49

Web Attacks 51

Mobile Phone Viruses 51

Worms on Social Media 54

Smartphones and Malware 55

Law Enforcement Malware 57

Case R2D2 58

Cracking Passwords 59

When a Hacker Spilled Her Coffee 60

Ransomware Trojans 61

The History of Ransomware Trojans 61

Cryptolocker 64

Honest Criminals 65

Notpetya 65

Case Maersk 67

Wannacry 71

My Week with Wannacry 72

Targeted Ransomware Trojans 76

Ransomware Trojans v2 77

The Human Element 79

The Two Problems 80

The Heist 82

CEO Fraud 89

Touring the Headquarters 92

Protecting Company Networks 95

Zero Trust 100

Bug Bounties 101

Wi-Fi Terms of Use 110

Mikko’s Tips 112

Mikko’s Tips for the Startup Entrepreneur 114

Boat for Sale 118

What If the Network Goes Down? 121

Electrical Networks 122

Security in Factories 124

A Search Engine for Computers 126

Slammer 128

Hypponen’s Law 130

Dumb Devices 132

Regulation 134

Car Software Updates 136

Online Privacy 137

Life Without Google 138

Murder Charges Never Expire 139

Is Google Listening to You? 142

Gorillas 143

Startup Business Logic 145

Biometrics 147

Antisocial Media 149

Online Influencing and Elections 151

Privacy Is Dead 153

Before and After Gmail 156

Encryption Techniques 160

Perfect Encryption 160

Unbreakable Encryption 161

Criminal Use of Encryption Systems 162

Data Is The New Uranium 166

CASE Vastaamo 168

Patient Registry 169

Technologies 170

Vastaamo.tar 171

Extortion Messages 173

The Hunt for the TAR File 175

Innocent Victims 177

Cryptocurrencies 179

The Value of Money 180

Blockchains 181

Blockchain Applications 182

Blockchains and Money 183

The Environmental Impacts of Bitcoin 185

Playing the Market 187

Ethereum, Monero, and Zcash 189

NFT 191

Bitcoin and Crime 193

Border Guards vs. Bitcoin 195

Technology, Espionage, and Warfare Online 199

Cyberweapons 200

Lunch Break at Google 201

Technology and Warfare 202

Under a False Flag 204

Concealability of Cyberweapons 205

The Fog of Cyberwar 207

Case Prykarpattyaoblenergo 211

Case Pyeongchang 213

Governments as Malware Authors 214

Russia and China 216

Case Stuxnet 217

Damage Coverage 226

Explosion at the White House 227

My Boycott of RSA, Inc 229

The Future 233

Artificial Intelligence 234

Wolverines 237

AI Will Take Our Jobs 238

Smart Malware 239

Metaverse 240

The Technology of Warfare 241

“You Are Under Arrest for a Future Murder” 242

Those Who Can Adapt Will Prosper 243

Tesla 245

Trends in Technology 247

Coda 249

Index 251

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