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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-01-18
  • Publisher: Top Shelf Productions

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What she once possessed... now threatens to possess her. This vibrant Swedish debut graphic novel is an epic quest for the things left behind, with icy-cool artwork and astonishing sci-fi settings.

What happens when our most precious belongings... no longer belong? When something we loved suddenly becomes junk, a powerful energy is unleashed. One night, ice-skating prodigy Florence Sato is overwhelmed by pressure and throws away her skates. This fateful moment accidentally summons a "junkwraith," a terrifying ghost which seeks revenge for its abandonment by attacking the memories of its former owner. Before she forgets who she is, and to find out who she really wants to be, Florence must set off (with her trusty digital assistant Frank) on a long journey into the Wastelands to put to rest the monster she created.

Author Biography

Ellinor Richey loves bringing imaginary things to life, whether this be through game concepts, comic art or ink illustrations. When not thinking about comics, she loves thinking about animation, playing the clarinet and pine trees in sunsets. She lives with her plants in a small studio apartment overlooking the Gothenburg harbor in Sweden.

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