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Killing It On Kobo: Leverage Insights to Optimize Publishing and Marketing Strategies, Grow Your Global Sales and Increase Revenue on Kobo

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-10-22
  • Publisher: Stark Publishing
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List Price: $15.99 Save up to $0.08
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Do you want to increase your overall sales and visibility on Kobo?
Are you having trouble gaining any traction or growing your reader base outside the Kindle store?
Wouldn't it be empowering not to be dependent upon a single retailer for the majority of your eBook income?

If you want to tap into the mind behind the creation of Kobo's world-class self-publishing platform, Kobo Writing Life, to understand both the basics and some of the complexities of the platform, then look no further.

Mark Leslie Lefebvre was the Director of Self-Publishing and Author Relations at Kobo for six years. Kobo Writing Life was born out of his own desire as an author to establish an author-centric free publishing platform. Drawing upon insights from his years at Kobo as well as his previous two decades of bookselling, writing and publishing experience, Lefebvre shares the challenges, quirks and tricks that are important for helping you leverage Kobo's strengths to your advantage.

In this book you will learn:

  • How to navigate the Kobo Writing Life dashboard as well as Kobo itself
  • Strategies to optimize your metadata to increase both sales and visibility
  • The importance of leveraging Kobo preorders by understanding how they work
  • Ways to maximize your margin and global earnings per unit sale
  • Proven price optimization techniques that the most successful authors use
  • How to increase your chance of promotional sales direct at Kobo
  • . . . and more . . .

Killing It On Kobo is an in-depth, heart-felt and eye-opening series of insights collected in a single volume to give you full access to information and proven strategies that you can use to maximize your own sales and ultimate success selling through Kobo.

Author Biography

Mark's highly successful experience in the publishing and bookselling industry spans more than three decades where he has worked in almost every type of brick and mortar, online, and digital bookstore.

The former Director of self-publishing and author relations for Rakuten Kobo, and the current Director of business development for Draft2Digital, Mark thrives on innovation, particularly as it relates to digital publishing.

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